Off topic: Is Chair your worst enemy?
Thread poster: Erudites
Erudites  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:47
Danish to English
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Jan 9, 2014

Article discussing ill effects of prolonged sitting. Quote informational !!

David Wright
David Wright  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:17
German to English
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Fidget Jan 9, 2014

I have been working as a translator for thirty years, sitting in front of the computer most of the time. I had a thorough health check about a year ago and my back was found to be in very good condition. When I asked why, the nurse/assistant or whatever said I fidget a lot - I keep changing position on my chair. So: there's the answer: FIDGET!!!

Oleksandr Kupriyanchuk
Oleksandr Kupriyanchuk  Identity Verified
United States
Member (2009)
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An alternative for those who don't fidget is... Jan 9, 2014 work standing on your head or laying on your side (synchronising the position of the computer with respect to yours).

Chair is our enemy. Bed is not.


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Is Chair your worst enemy?

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