Received Standard job that does not fit with my profile (Staff: Fixed)
Thread poster: Claudia Krysztofiak
Claudia Krysztofiak
Claudia Krysztofiak  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:02
English to German
+ ...
May 27, 2008

Today I received a Standard Job Notification

that lists the following requirements:

Languages: English to German (native) (top pair)
Service type: Translation
Field of expertise: Law/Patents (working) OR Law: Contract(s) (working)
3+ yrs
CV/resume: Must be on file membership: Required

I have absolutely nothing to do with the mentioned fields of expertise, nor do I have them anywhere in my profile.
... See more
Today I received a Standard Job Notification

that lists the following requirements:

Languages: English to German (native) (top pair)
Service type: Translation
Field of expertise: Law/Patents (working) OR Law: Contract(s) (working)
3+ yrs
CV/resume: Must be on file membership: Required

I have absolutely nothing to do with the mentioned fields of expertise, nor do I have them anywhere in my profile. I thought these jobs were filtered by requirements before they are sent to potential translators.

Please let me know, if I did get this wrong or if something is indeed buggy in the system.

Thanks for all the good work!


[Bearbeitet am 2008-05-28 06:42]

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2008-05-28 12:48]

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2008-06-01 19:30]

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:02
English to German
+ ...
Please submit a Support Request May 27, 2008

Hi Claudia,
The best way to research this is to submit a Support Request, where you should include the URL; kindly remove it from your posting. Thanks.

Best regards,

Claudia Krysztofiak
Claudia Krysztofiak  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:02
English to German
+ ...
No support needed May 27, 2008

Hi Ralf,

I can't see why. I do not need support in this matter. I just throw such mails away. But I thought this could be interesting for Proz, to enhance the functionality of this process.

If this is not the case, we can just close this.

But I am a bit disappointed of your reply.

Claudia Krysztofiak
Claudia Krysztofiak  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:02
English to German
+ ...
This is not about the outsourcer May 27, 2008

Now I see your problem. You think I wish to discuss an outsourcer in this Forum?


I tried to be helpful to tell you something is wrong with the software. If this is not welcome - well sorry to have wasted my and your time.

Won't happen again FOR SURE

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:02
English to German
+ ... support staff need to look into this May 28, 2008


I can't see why. I do not need support in this matter. I just throw such mails away. But I thought this could be interesting for Proz, to enhance the functionality of this process.

Precisely my thinking. The reason why I suggested to submit a ticket is that staff will be able (and forced...) to follow up within the scope of a defined process.

You think I wish to discuss an outsourcer in this Forum?

No, I don't think that was your intention - but you did.

Feedback is most welcome; to be effective, it's useful to steer it into the right channels.
I'll notify staff of this topic.


Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 14:02
This issue is being resolved May 28, 2008

Hello Claudia,

Thanks very much for reporting this. The Connect team is aware of this issue and is currently working on a solution.

Thank you also for removing the specific URL, as requested by Ralf, and in line with .

I believe Ralf recommended the support system for repor
... See more
Hello Claudia,

Thanks very much for reporting this. The Connect team is aware of this issue and is currently working on a solution.

Thank you also for removing the specific URL, as requested by Ralf, and in line with .

I believe Ralf recommended the support system for reporting this problem, as it is generally the fastest way to reach staff on these matters, but posts made here are of course also monitored.

Thanks to both of you for helping us to find and resolve the issue!

Best regards,


Claudia Krysztofiak
Claudia Krysztofiak  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:02
English to German
+ ...
Thank you Jared! May 28, 2008

It's good to know that you are working on it.

Best regards

Jon Peck
Jon Peck  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:02
Algorithmic error May 28, 2008


There was a bug in the way some of the general fields of expertise were matched. It has been fixed, which should improve the quality of matches in the future and eliminate this type of issue. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

Best regards,
Jon Peck Staff Developer

Claudia Krysztofiak
Claudia Krysztofiak  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:02
English to German
+ ...
That was really fast. May 28, 2008

Good to know you found a bug and I was not simply too stupid to understand the system ...

Have a nice day!


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Received Standard job that does not fit with my profile (Staff: Fixed)

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