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February 16, 2002, 12:00 pm
GermanyBerlinIn personEnglish

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Interested members (6) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
XDel01 (X)   So, what do you think about Berlin?  
Sandra Pontow  \"Photographer\" I'd like to come  
Eva G. Breust   Good idea, I'll come too  
XKarintha   Berlin is good  
XIsabel Cole (X)   I'm new to ProZ and live in Berlin  
Sabine Reichert   I would like to asist.  

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Powwow: Berlin - Germany
Eva G. Breust
Eva G. Breust
Local time: 04:37
English to German
+ ...
where? Jan 25, 2002

Any idea where we can meet?
I live in Berlin, so I can book some place.

German to English
Meeting place Jan 27, 2002

I'm also in Berlin.
I like Hackescher Markt-- pretty central, there's several nice places
there under the S-Bahn... (including an Irish pub-- maybe appropriate?)

Del01 (X)
Del01 (X)
Local time: 04:37
German to Spanish
+ ...
Hackescher Markt is O.K. Jan 30, 2002

I love Hackescher Markt, right around the corner! The problem is that we need an organizer for the powwow and one more person to join us.
Any further comments?

Eva G. Breust
Eva G. Breust
Local time: 04:37
English to German
+ ...
Sandra had a good idea... Jan 30, 2002

...for some reason I seem to be the only person to have received her note it said:

Wie wäre es mit dem Terra Nova in der Wörther Straße (Prenzlauer Berg). Man kann dort etwas essen und sehr guten spanischen Wein trinken. Außerdem gibt es dort große runde Tische, perfekt zum Reden.Die Reservierung kann ich übernehmen.

Sandra - I hope, it is ok to post it here.

  What are these?

Eva G. Breust
Eva G. Breust
Local time: 04:37
English to German
+ ...
PS Jan 30, 2002

and as for the 5th person: there is still some time until the 16th and what if we meet anyway?

Del01 (X)
Del01 (X)
Local time: 04:37
German to Spanish
+ ...
count on me Jan 30, 2002

As you thought, you were the only person who received that note.
Actually, it doesn´t make much difference where we meet and I would also like to come anyway, i.e. although we´re one short.

  What are these?

Del01 (X)
Del01 (X)
Local time: 04:37
German to Spanish
+ ...
Oh, no! Jan 30, 2002

I´ve already realized that I have a very important appointment at 11:00 a.m. the 16th February.
Could we please meet as of 4:00 p.m.? Maybe for dinner or for a drink?

  What are these?

Isabel Cole (X)
Isabel Cole (X)
Local time: 04:37
German to English
Hi! Jan 31, 2002

Any time/place is fine with me. I live in Pankow, so P-Berg would be good.
As I said, I'm new to this - have any of you met before?

German to English
Time and place Jan 31, 2002

Any place and time is good for me too.
P-berg is good for me-- (I thought H. Markt would be more central, but it looks like we're all in PB?)

Eva G. Breust
Eva G. Breust
Local time: 04:37
English to German
+ ...
So, we are five! Feb 1, 2002

That solves the problem of not being enough to count!
As for the time, I don't know but maybe early evening would be more convenient, like 6 or 7 pm.
I have never met any ProZ here or elsewhere before.
Looking forward to meeting you all.

Sandra Pontow
Sandra Pontow
Local time: 04:37
English to German
Let' make that 7p.m. Feb 1, 2002

I don't think they're open at 6 yet, but I can go and ask this evening (and book a table) Sandra

Isabel Cole (X)
Isabel Cole (X)
Local time: 04:37
German to English
Fine with me Feb 1, 2002

Seven sounds fine.

I'm looking forward to meeting you too!

Del01 (X)
Del01 (X)
Local time: 04:37
German to Spanish
+ ...
That´d be great! Feb 1, 2002

Sandra, if you can, that´d be great!

By the way, did you all received the message I posted today -between Eva Breust and Sandra Pontow? It isn´t displayed on my computer. :-S

  What are these?

Eva G. Breust
Eva G. Breust
Local time: 04:37
English to German
+ ...
fine with me Feb 1, 2002

I'll be there at 7.
Yes, I received the message.

German to English
Sounds good! Feb 3, 2002

Sounds good to me.
Just to confirm: Feb. 16, 7 pm, Terra Nova in PB. Right?
How will we recognize each other?

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