European Commission plans to provide full interpretation and translation for criminal suspects

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Local time: 03:25
English to Italian
+ ...
Mar 12, 2010

I am very interested and would like to know if there are courses in Milan held for the purpose
Thanking you in advance

Cristiana Coblis
Cristiana Coblis  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:25
Member (2004)
English to Romanian
+ ...
Mar 14, 2010

Official press release: (available in all EU languages)

Paul Merriam
Paul Merriam  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:25
Russian to English
+ ...
Mar 14, 2010

Aren't all the EU members already signatories to European Convention on Human Rights, which already requires this? Isn't this reinventing the wheel?

Karolina Paszkowska
Karolina Paszkowska  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:25
Dutch to Polish
+ ...
Mar 14, 2010

I think it will bring much more free positions to be filled out. I like the idea.
I don't think that there will be any courses made for that but you never know )


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European Commission plans to provide full interpretation and translation for criminal suspects

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