Powwow: Barcelona - Spain

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Maeva Cifuentes
Maeva Cifuentes  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:33
French to English
+ ...
Did not count maybes Nov 17, 2015

I just wanted to confirm that I've made the reservation, finally for 22 people for the people on here and those on the facebook event. I did not count any "maybes" as you did not confirm and the restaurant was pressuring me for an exact number.
Anyway, looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday!

Mary Bauer
Mary Bauer  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:33
Member (2003)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Sit down or circulate? Nov 19, 2015

Running a bit late... finishing a translation, es clar. Will we be circulating in a room? I wouldn't think it would be a formal sit down affair with so many of us... Thanks. Mar


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Powwow: Barcelona - Spain

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