Trados Studio 2014: Running progress count for the whole project?
Thread poster: Edwin den Boer
Edwin den Boer
Edwin den Boer  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:25
Member (2009)
English to Dutch
Sep 27, 2018

Trados continuously tracks the translation count per document, but the fact that one file is at 3% and another at 100% doesn't tell me anything about my progress translating the project when there are many files of various sizes. How can I show a continuous progress bar for the whole project? I'm not going to run an analysis report ten times a day.

Silke Walter
Silke Walter  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:25
Member (2014)
English to German
Different view Sep 27, 2018

There are two ways to get the information without running an analysis.

1. At the bottom in the editor (shown only in percent).


2. Under files: via a tab (in German it is „Statusansicht“). Here you can choose between different kinds of units.


Progress bar

Edwin den Boer
Edwin den Boer  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:25
Member (2009)
English to Dutch
That's not for the whole project at once Sep 28, 2018

Yes, the status bar at the bottom of the window shows the progress for the file that's being edited. But we usually translate projects rather than separate files.

The other method sort of works when you have all the files in the same directory and select them all.

Has this been improved in later versions?

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:25
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
@Edwin and @Silke Sep 28, 2018

Edwin den Boer wrote:
How can I show a continuous progress bar for the whole project? I'm not going to run an analysis report ten times a day.

Why not? How long does it take you to run an analysis report? Ten analysis reports = ten coffee breaks.

I'm not sure if you know about this, but I recently discovered that there are two types of analysis reports that give an overview of the project's progress, namely "WIP" reports and "translation count" reports. The WIP report is based on tasks and the translation count report is based on segment status. Useless information, perhaps.

WIP report
translation count

Edwin den Boer wrote:
The other method sort of works when you have all the files in the same directory and select them all. ... Has this been improved in later versions?

No, even in Trados 2019 it is not possible to select (and open) multiple files unless they are all in the same folder.

Silke Walter wrote:
At the bottom in the editor (shown only in percent).

If you click directly on those statistics, you can change how they display. I prefer them to show segment count, not percentages.

[Edited at 2018-09-28 06:36 GMT]


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Trados Studio 2014: Running progress count for the whole project?

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