Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:

health post

Added to glossary by Alejandra Tolj
Oct 20, 2007 10:36
16 yrs ago
14 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Medical Medical (general)
Mi pregunta se refiere al término "salita" como lo usamos en Argentina.
No es un hospital pp dicho, pero actúa como tal, en general para personas de bajos recursos.
"Salita de emergencias"
¿Alguna sugerencia para pasarlo al inglés?
Change log

Oct 20, 2007 10:38: Ángel Domínguez changed "Language pair" from "English to Spanish" to "Spanish to English"


liz askew Oct 20, 2007:
Apologies to Alvaro: I didn't read the comment about "health posts". Personally, I think this is an excellent suggestion, particularly as it gives the idea of a "small unit", which is the implication of "salita", as opposed to "sala" (which is bigger!).Illness perception and use of health services in north-east Argentinacoverage of rural areas with health posts and a. better coverage of lower socio-economic .... was previously with the Ministry of Health in Argentina. ... - Similar pages
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Toma en cuenta a Alvaro, me parece muy acertada su respuesta y ten en cuenta también lo que te pongo de "First Care Unit" creo que son lo más cercano ya que no se habla en ningun momento de emergencias, gratis o de espera, sino que es en otro concepto.
moken Oct 20, 2007:
Hola Alejandra. Te pido que consideres en mi respuesta la sugerencia de "health posts". Con tanta respuesta, creo que puede pasar desapercibida. :O)
Alejandra Tolj (asker) Oct 20, 2007:
Cabe aclarar que no forma parte de un hospital. Actúa independientemente, en general en zonas lejanas a hospitales, gerenteadas por el médico del pueblo. ¿Se entienede lo que quiero decir?

Proposed translations

42 mins

(primary) health centre/center/clinic

Hola Ale,

Aunque Wikipedia define "primary health centre" como característica de los países en desarrollo, en España disponemos sin ningún complejo de los centros de salud primaria. Creo que a esto te estás refiriendo no?

Ocupan un escalón por debajo de los hospitales y ofrecen atención sanitaria básica. Aparte de llegar a lugares remotos, en las ciudadades barrios y pueblos también sirven para aliviar la carga asistencial que sufren los hospitales.

Espero que vayan por aquí los tiros.

Suerte y sonrisas,

Álvaro :O) :O)

Note added at 42 mins (2007-10-20 11:19:24 GMT)

En un contexto más rural, también se puede hablar de "health posts".


Note added at 50 mins (2007-10-20 11:27:20 GMT)

Si miras el trabajo de la ganadora del año 2003, verás que su tesis realizada entre los toba utiliza "salita" y "health post". Ver Cap. 5 y Anexo. :O)
Peer comment(s):

agree E Gustafson : Creo que "primary health care center" es la idea. Health post to haría mas corto, y agregaría la idea de rural o aislado.
28 mins
Muchas gracias Elisa. Comparto tus opiniones. :O) :O)
agree liz askew : I should have read all of your contribution:) apologies. "Health posts", a big yes. Personally I think my description was just the thing, though not an exact translation!//BTW "jam-packed" is not a negative term. Just means "busy" as in most surgeries!
1 hr
Thanks Liz. I modestly think "health posts" is an interesting suggestion. I haven't actually been in any rural health posts in Argentina and don't know if they're teeming or not. :O) No apology needed Liz. My fault for rambling on as I do... :O)
agree Christian Löfvall : Sorry, Liz... this is the term. This li'l rooms are the primary health service people can get... they're a step before hospitals, and you NEED to pass thru this place to get atention in a hospital. and Health, in Argentina, is a great service
2 hrs
Txs vm for your support Christian. Apparently Liz hadn't seen the part about health posts, which she does agree with. :O) :O)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks! "
4 mins

waiting area :: Death of Patient In Waiting Area Ruled Homocide
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A Lake County coroner's jury ruled Thursday that the death of a patient who waited nearly two hours in the waiting area of a hospital emergency department ... - 16k
Peer comment(s):

disagree liz askew : This could be anywhere. Doesn't give the idea of "emergency".
2 hrs
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23 mins

waiting room

In the US it is generally called a "waiting room" in a hospital or urgent care center.
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26 mins

Emergency waiting room

Deberías explicarlo en la misma traducción de lo que se trata. Puede suceder que en otras partes no tengan esta facilidad para la gente.
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35 mins

(accident and emergency) unit

these function separately from hospitals in rural areas in UK...
Lords Hansard text for 31 Oct 2005 (51031-02)- [ Traduzca esta página ]I am aware that many people from Sudbury and its satellite villages used the Walnuttree ... the community hospitals now have no accident and emergency unit, ... - 21k - En caché - Páginas similares

Note added at 42 mins (2007-10-20 11:19:05 GMT)

If you are referring to the whole building in small villages then I think "community hospitals" is the most used term (in the UK at least)
South Pointe Celebrates 50 Years- [ Traduzca esta página ]In the 1950s, the village of Warrensville Heights was mostly farm land with sheep ... To survive, small community hospitals were collaborating or becoming ... - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares

Patients, patients | Society | [ Traduzca esta página ]Community hospitals should not only survive, they should thrive. A community such as Wantage (and its neighbouring village, Grove) depends on them, ...,,1428038,00.html - 43k - En caché - Páginas similares
Peer comment(s):

agree Eileen Brophy
23 mins
thankl you Eileen
disagree liz askew : This is too grandiose, IMO. We are talking about Argentina here. No offence to anybody.//Sure thing...BTW this doesn't mean they can't receive very good medical treatment in a small area!//Really, haven't you ever been in one? It's a matter of opinion.
1 hr
there is absolutely nothing grandiose about an A&E Unit!
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51 mins

free clinic

I don't know if this would work for the UK though.

Los Angeles Free Clinic
This clinic provides free health care and social services to people in need.Contains address and location information. Highlights services offered.
Map of 8405 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048 - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
Contact Us
What We Do
How To Help
Clinic Classic Golf Tournament
News And Information

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Free Clinic of Greater ClevelandProgram services primarily the working poor in the Greater Cleveland community. Services are free-of-charge.
Map of 12201 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106 - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

NEW YORK CITY FREE CLINICThe New York City Free Clinic (NYCFC) is NY's only comprehensive free healthcare clinic, providing at no cost to patients primary & specialty medical care, ... - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Unite For Sight, Inc. - Free Clinics: Community Based Clinics for ...The Community Free Clinic. Map Location. 711 Franklin Street Huntsville , AL Phone #: (256) 533-2910. Director: Shotsie Platt ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

The Berkeley Free Clinic OnlineThe Berkeley Free Clinic is a community based collectively run clinic, staffed completely by volunteers. We offer limited medical, dental, and counseling ...
Map of 2339 Durant Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704 - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

Haight Ashbury Free Clinics, Inc.During the social revolution of the 1960s, the Haight Street Free Clinic was established to help the thousands of young people on the street in the Haight ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Welcome to the Arlington Free Clinic HomepageNonprofit organization committed to providing access to health care services to low-income, uninsured people in the community. - 30k - Cached - Similar pages

Washington Free Clinic HomepageProvides free primary health care services to individuals who lack access to medical care. Includes services, news, events and volunteer opportunities.
Map of 1525 Newton St NW, Washington, DC 20010 - 10k - Cached - Similar pages

Hassle Free Clinic: HomeHassle Free Clinic provides free medical and counselling services in many areas of sexual health. We are located in downtown Toronto. - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Fan Free Clinic - Richmond VADuring the weekend of June 2nd - 3rd, dedicated riders and volunteers raised nearly $50000 to support Fan Free Clinic's programs. What a difference two days ... - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Peer comment(s):

agree eesegura : That's what it sounds like to me; we use this term in the U.S.
5 hrs
Thanks a lot. Have a good weekend.
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2 hrs

small room/Drs' surgery for medical emergencies

El viernes, Mónica Rodríguez y Juan José Robles cumplieron ocho días de dormir en camillas ginecológicas en una salita de Emergencias. Ambos hacen fila para una cirugía ortopédica, pero no hay camas disponibles.
Eddy Rojas

Este proyecto consiste en la realización de un conjunto de actividades de:
- Infraestructura: Construir un centro comunitario.
- Educación: Brindar clases de apoyo a nivel pre-escolar, primaria y secundaria; realizar talleres de formación ciudadana.
- Salud: Crear una salita de primeros auxilios equipada para dar un servicio de atención primaria a la salud y desarrollar talleres sobre salud.
- Cultura: Crear una biblioteca popular; realizar festivales artísticos, talleres de arte y ciclos de cine; desarrollar salidas culturales.
- Recreación: Realizar juegos cooperativos y de mesa, así como jornadas deportivas, y desarrollar talleres de formación para animadores en juegos.
- Derechos del Hombre y la Mujer: Brindar asesoramiento jurídico; y realizar talleres sobre los derechos del niño y de la niña como también de derechos humanos.

Valle Grande-La Higuera Bolivia - Estudio Rodante
- [ Translate this page ]
Como cuando llegaron los médicos cubanos a instalar una salita de emergencias y pintar la escuela; todo fue fiesta, ayuda, trabajo, manos, risas, juegos, ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages
Foro de Que No Se Repita :: Ver tema - HISTORIAS DE VIDA: CECILIA ...
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No aparece en las listas de sobrevivientes xq la llevamos a una salita de emergencias cerca d mi casa en celina y de ahi al hosp. posadas. ... - 98k - Cached - Similar pages
Porro Flashero - Página 3 -
- [ Translate this page ]
... era impresionanante me agarro la paranoia mal, me pongo a llorar no podia mover las piernas agarra mi amiga y me lleva a una salita de emergencias, ... - 66k - Cached - Similar pages

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LOS ESPACIOS EN LA SALITA NO ALCANZAN Y HAY HORARIOS SIN MÉDICO LA SALUD EN EMERGENCIA. Si bien hay que reconocer que de antaño a la fecha algunas cosas han ... sierra 70.htm - 69k - Cached - Similar pages

Aterrizaje de emergencia de otro avión de Air Nostrum en El Prat
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Después del aterrizaje, los pasajeros fueron concentrados en una salita y se marcharon tras recoger su equipaje. El aeropuerto activó el plan de emergencias ... - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

Peer comment(s):

neutral moken : Hi Liz. I do a lot of translation for non-profits concerning health posts. Of course they can be very busy at times (as can hospitals), but how can you infer this from context provided by the asker? :O)
17 mins
I suppose it was an assumption re the context, but not from my findings, and in general these places are busy, especially re people on low incomes..
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2 hrs

free government clinic

En USA a veces usan este término "free government clinic" para referirse a pequeñas clínicas del estado donde no paga la gente de pocos recursos, por ver al doctor.
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2 hrs

local/neigborhood/district/town health care center

Si, son esos lugares de pueblo donde no me haría poner ni una curita!

También se podría utilizar local health care station, ya que station da la idea de algo menos importante que un "center".

No me parece que "emergency room" sea adecuado porque si bien as salitas funcionan como guardia médica no tienen infraestructura; cualquier emergencia de consideración requiere derivación del paciente a un centro adecuado.

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2 hrs

primary health room

Searched Medical web pages for "primary health room", "primary care room", "health room" and "care room".
For "health room",
For "primary care room"
Peer comment(s):

agree LUZ MARIA REBOLLEDA : de acuerdo, tambien tienes la opcion de First Care Unit, aqui, Dallas, son unidas para asistencia rápida sin cita, que vas y te atienden eln lo básico, tienes Rayos X , etc, pero no es una clínica donde mantengan tu record medico aunque si medicos y equip
11 mins
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3 hrs

First Care Unit

Hola soy de Argentina y la palabra completa de salita es Sala de Primeros Auxilios, por lo que es conveniente traducirlo como First Care Unit.

Note added at 3 hrs (2007-10-20 14:12:11 GMT)

En Argentina es el lugar donde te atienden sin cita medica previa y para resolver el problema inmediato. Luego de alli te derivan a el especialista. En caso de lastimadura te curan. Tambien se utiliza como centro de vacunacion

Note added at 3 hrs (2007-10-20 14:13:23 GMT)

salita de primeros auxilios: First Care Unit
Peer comment(s):

agree Sonia Iujvidin
3 hrs
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