Message: Unexpected character when exporting bilingual file
Thread poster: Илья Кирюшкин
Илья Кирюшкин
Илья Кирюшкин
Russian Federation
Local time: 08:25
English to Russian
Aug 3, 2015

MemoQ halts when clearing the translated file to its target format (docx, in my case) and says:
General error.

Unexpected character


And then:
Document failed to export; it was skipped

Any ideas or suggestions how to fix this issue?

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:25
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Are all tags in place? Aug 3, 2015

I know this is pretty obvious but... are you sure all tags are in place? You might want to use the RunQA function just in case. It will report any missing tags.

Илья Кирюшкин
Илья Кирюшкин
Russian Federation
Local time: 08:25
English to Russian
Indeed, there was a few of them Aug 3, 2015

Well, yes, with the help of an external QA tool I've found some missing bpd and epd tags in target (which weren't detected by MemoQ own QA tool) and fixed them. Still, 2 out of 3 files refuse to import with the same error.

[Редактировалось 2015-08-03 22:19 GMT]


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Message: Unexpected character when exporting bilingual file

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