Wordpress or a standard website builder for my future website?
Thread poster: Martin Päres
Martin Päres
Martin Päres
Local time: 19:29
English to Swedish
+ ...
Oct 19, 2020

I want to set up a simple website for my freelance translation business, but can't decide between Wordpress or a standard website builder. Seems that many people are using Wordpress also for standard websites these days and that their website functionality has improved.

What are your opinion on what's best when setting up a website as a translator?


Peter Kovacik
Peter Kovacik  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:29
Arabic to English
options to make your own site Oct 20, 2020

WordPress could work, but there are two options. You can use WordPress's hosting service at wordpress.com or self-hosting (which actually involves using a web hosting company) with the WordPress software from wordpress.org. The biggest benefit of wordpress.com is that it is easier to install and get started with, but it has a number of limitations that might not make it suitable for a standard website. On the other hand, self-hosting can be more difficult for beginners to set up, but it could wo... See more
WordPress could work, but there are two options. You can use WordPress's hosting service at wordpress.com or self-hosting (which actually involves using a web hosting company) with the WordPress software from wordpress.org. The biggest benefit of wordpress.com is that it is easier to install and get started with, but it has a number of limitations that might not make it suitable for a standard website. On the other hand, self-hosting can be more difficult for beginners to set up, but it could work well for standard websites because it gives you options to customize the website by adding plugins for new features, displaying ads, and using custom themes.

Other than WordPress, there are a number of options to make websites with templates and drag-and-drop interfaces including: Squarespace, Wix, SiteBuilder, and Weebly. You might want to experiment with these web hosting services until you find the option that is the most intuitive to use and the easiest to get the best results.

Martin Päres
Martin Päres
Local time: 19:29
English to Swedish
+ ...
Thanks for the feedback Oct 20, 2020

Thanks for the feedback and tips. Will check them out.

I was more interested in the Wordpress software and then host my site somewhere. I'm a fan of open source software and like to use them when it suits me. Yes, I read that there can be limitations with Wordpress, but that it also in most cases works for simple websites. I just want to look more professional with a few words about myself, my work and contact information. A page that I can link to.

I do, of course, a
... See more
Thanks for the feedback and tips. Will check them out.

I was more interested in the Wordpress software and then host my site somewhere. I'm a fan of open source software and like to use them when it suits me. Yes, I read that there can be limitations with Wordpress, but that it also in most cases works for simple websites. I just want to look more professional with a few words about myself, my work and contact information. A page that I can link to.

I do, of course, also have a Linkedin account. Would it perhaps be enough these days for single freelance translator?

Do I actually need a personal website?

United States
Local time: 13:29
English to Finnish
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IONOS by 1&1 Oct 26, 2020

I used one of their templates. Took me couple of evenings to develop it myself. After registering it on the web, I log in once in a while to make changes. If you know how to copy and paste, you can do it. No point in hiring a web designer.

Martin Päres
Martin Päres
Local time: 19:29
English to Swedish
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option to change web host Oct 26, 2020

finnword1 wrote:

I used one of their templates. Took me couple of evenings to develop it myself. After registering it on the web, I log in once in a while to make changes. If you know how to copy and paste, you can do it. No point in hiring a web designer.

Thanks, yes, that was one of my alternatives. But then I am stuck with that company. I would like to be able to move my site. In the Wordpress software I can build my site and then put it wherever I want.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:29
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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@Martin Oct 26, 2020

Martin Päres wrote:
I can't decide between Wordpress or a standard website builder.

What do you mean by "standard website builder"?

Peter Kovacik
Peter Kovacik  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:29
Arabic to English
try AMPPS Oct 26, 2020

Samuel Murray wrote:
What do you mean by "standard website builder"?

He might have been referring to how WordPress began as a blog-publishing system even though its current functionality goes far beyond just blogs.

Martin Päres wrote:
I would like to be able to move my site. In the WordPress software I can build my site and then put it wherever I want.

When I first setup WordPress on my computer, I used the LAMP stack. That setup is a little complicated because it is necessary to follow tutorials using the Linux command line, and it can be frustrating when the commands in tutorials do not work the way they are expected to. It involves installing a Linux distribution, setting up the Apache server, setting up MySQL and creating a database for WordPress, installing the right version of PHP, and then downloading and transferring the WordPress files to the folder /var/www/html, which requires root user permission (sudo command). After that, WordPress can be setup and accessed through any web browser like Firefox or Chrome by going to http://localhost.

I think that a much easier option to setup WordPress on your computer is to use AMPPS, which simulates the LAMP stack on macOS or Windows. It is much quicker to get running because the LAMP stack is already installed and the WordPress files can be transferred to the right folder without needing to use the command line. Using AMPPS would allow you to develop and test the website on your computer before deploying it to the web.

I have also seen some hosting plans advertise one-click installation for WordPress, but I do not have much experience with that.

Martin Päres
Martin Päres
Local time: 19:29
English to Swedish
+ ...
@Samuel Oct 26, 2020

Samuel Murray wrote:
What do you mean by "standard website builder"?

When you pay and use a web host company to use their templates and have to store your website there. I would like to be able to move my site, if I, for example, find a cheaper or better web host. I've now read that some web hosts offer you to download your files, if you want move them to another web host.

My intention with the website is just to use it as a bit more glamorized digital business card

mosartimol90 (X)

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Wordpress or a standard website builder for my future website?

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