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Search results: (19 matches)
Croatian Preminuo Davor Kalinić Počivao u miru. Tek sad vidim ovu već minulu vijest. Iz samo par
virtualnih susreta pamtim Davora kao izrazito
susretljivog kolegu, te nadasve vrhunskog
stručnjaka i čovjeka koji je doista volio svoj
Bilanda Ban Apr 28, 2013
Croatian Rapsodija u plavom / Rhapsody in Blue Norwegian Wood Uh, onda je Murakami dobro prošao kod nas,
zamislite da mu se roman zvao Jeftina iverica, ili
tako nešto. Nimalo privlačno. A što se
Glavanove otužne greške tiče... :facepalm.
Bilanda Ban Sep 21, 2011
Subtitling Need help with generating subtitles in XML for DCP Thanks, José! I actually posted this question for a friend of
mine, so I'll have to wait and see what he has to
say. But nevertheless, thank you for a quick reply
- I knew I could count on you when it c
Bilanda Ban Aug 8, 2011
Subtitling Need help with generating subtitles in XML for DCP Hello everyone! I would appreciate any help
with the following: Does anyone know how to
generate or create subtitles in XML for DCP in 24
FPS using only spotting list (feet and frame
Bilanda Ban Aug 8, 2011
Croatian Srozavanje prevoditeljske struke wow! Odmah se sjetim jednog komentara na forumu Proza:
'Ne gajim iluzije o globalnom tržištu'. Da, ali
što je previše - previše je. Uvijek se pitam
otkud klijentima ta ideja da je kod nas
Bilanda Ban Jul 5, 2011
KudoZ Am I right to be angry if an asker selects an answer without considering peer comments? This sums it up well. [quote]Phil Hand wrote: Obviously it's nice to
answer a question well and be rewarded with Kudoz
points, but the day you let Kudoz ruin your mood
is the day you need to give up coffee!<
Bilanda Ban Jun 9, 2011
KudoZ Am I right to be angry if an asker selects an answer without considering peer comments? That changes the whole deal. From what I can tell, this is a pretty obvious
case of a literal translation, right? So, whether
this person is indeed bilingual or not is
secondary in this case - the main thing is that<
Bilanda Ban Jun 8, 2011
KudoZ Am I right to be angry if an asker selects an answer without considering peer comments? You have your right to be angry... However, don't lose any sleep over it :) If this
has happened to you for the first time, I
understand why you might be surprised or angry,
but this actually happens a lot. It's happened
Bilanda Ban Jun 8, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Zagreb - Croatia Nadam se nekoj drugoj prilici Draga Ivana, prije svega se želim zahvaliti na
pozivu! No, budući da u to vrijeme
najvjerojatnije neću biti u Zagrebu, radujem se
nekoj sljedećoj prilici za upoznavanje - vjerujem
Bilanda Ban Jun 7, 2011
Business issues Colleagues... or not? I agree with Walter Your 'colleague' is a criminal, fair and
square. This is by far the worst example of
irresponsible behavior in translation business
that I have heard of. And if the results of her
Bilanda Ban May 23, 2011
Internet for translators Timezones made easier... Thanks Wow, I love its simplicity! An essential tool
Bilanda Ban May 16, 2011
Lighter side of trans/interp Funny job posting ( again) Even funnier... I find those frequent 'job postings' by TermWiki
absolutely side-splittingly hilarious.
Bilanda Ban May 13, 2011
Croatian Paypal obavijest o priljevu Draga Ivana, U obavijesti o priljevu je
naznačeno da novac dolazi od PayPala, dosad sam
imala samo jednu transakciju, i tako mi je
pisalo. Nego, ono što mi se ne sviđa je to što
Bilanda Ban Mar 29, 2011
Croatian Način plaćanja - Vaša iskustva PayPal Ne znam koliko vas je već upoznato s ovom
viješću, od danas navodno i u Hrvatskoj možemo
primati novac na PayPal račun i povlačiti ga na
bankovni račun. Za mene je ovo čudesna
Bilanda Ban Mar 10, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Are we so crying for projects? When I think about it... Perhaps it's not all about despair, some will work
for free in order to boost their resume and gain
some extra experience, given that they have other
sources of income, of course. It's not
Bilanda Ban Mar 8, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Are we so crying for projects? My mistake... You are right, I forgot about that. Now the whole
situation seems even more puzzling!
Bilanda Ban Mar 8, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Are we so crying for projects? The same outsourcer posted a job in my language pair today... I really want to believe that the candidates who
quoted on this job are non-paying members, and
therefore have no access to BB. I wish I could
warn them somehow :(

[Edited at 2011-0
Bilanda Ban Mar 8, 2011
Getting established Using your hobbys, alter egos or side-projects as source of specialization what a pleasant surprise The first thing that ran across my mind as I was
about to check out this topic was, "well, there's
no way in hell someone is going to mention DJing",
and now this. I'm just an amateur DJ
Bilanda Ban Feb 9, 2011
Subtitling Subtitling rates and application test: reasonable? my four cents on this matter Dear Alexandre, I believe I know which agency
this is. For my language pair (English>Croatian) I
was offered approximately half of the price they
are offering you, so I refused, because
Bilanda Ban Feb 3, 2011

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