The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Other Translation Glossary

French term English translation
applicatif au questionnement Applies to the following questions
apport energetique caloric intake
approche mobilisatrice dynamic / exciting / motivating / impelling / stimulating
archive vivante active/live archive
arrêt cuve pleine rinse hold
Entered by: Isabelle Villancher
arrêt de gaine cable stop/fulcrum
ARRET D’USINE factory shutdown
arrondi (here) rounded streamlining
article finette fabric articles
ASM Association Patronale Suisse de l'Industrie des Machines
aspect formel how your answer is worded
assainissement du parc clients streamlining the client base
assimilé (with) equivalent status
assise location/ site/ bed
assises des chambres {de vidange} drain housing base
attaquée en nullité was contested as being null and void
attention d'usage gratuities in common practice
attestation de bonne fin certificate of completion/satisfactory completion
attribution de l'enfant from the time the child has been awarded to a given family
au prix de requiring
Entered by: Gina W
au titre d'entraide for the sake of providing assistance
autant que faire se peut if possible, as much as possible
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
autonomie (refills, storage temperature, duration of refills) maintenance
aux index index marks
aux lignes simples understated design
avant de la donner à dévorer à la grosse cuisinière before letting it be consumed by the stove
Entered by: NancyLynn
avec marche with a step / stepped
avis opinion, decision
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
avis de droit author's rights or copyright(s) notice(s)
avis de presse notice / published notice
avoir sa santé à l’oeil, c’est vital keeping an eye on your health is essential
avoir un goût très juste have discerning taste
axe axis
à circulation forcée forced circulation
à en croire if we are to believe
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
à l’aplomb directly above
à l’effet des présentes duly authorised for the purposes hereof
Entered by: Mark Nathan
à titre nullement limitatif / non-exhaustive
à vocation probante legally valid
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