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Dec 13, 2011 15:39
12 yrs ago
Portuguese term

morrem, literalmente, na praia

Portuguese to English Art/Literary General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Book on sea turtle conservation
Hi all,

I know this phrase has come up before on Kudoz and it's an expression in Portuguese, but here it is being used as a pun. The text is on the Tamar sea turtle conservation project. Teams protect the turtles' nests on the beach and sometimes incubate eggs in special units at the bases on the coast. So I'm wondering how to try and get the double meaning implied in the Portuguese.

Para o Tamar, são 30 anos de realizações, mas apenas uma geração protegida, por causa desse longo ciclo de vida. O que para o homem parece muito tempo, para essas espécies é apenas uma primeira esperança. Os desafios e ameaças continuam e exigem constante vigília.
O Tamar só é possível pela aliança de muitos. Sem o esforço coletivo, as iniciativas de conservação morrem literalmente “na praia”, em um mundo que sente, cada vez mais, os efeitos da ação do homem.

I'm thinking along the lines of 'flounder on the beach' or 'wouldn't get off the ground'. Help would be appreciated. It's for a presentation to be spoken so no footnotes or anything. American English. Thanks!


Lindsay Spratt (asker) Dec 13, 2011:
So without these collective efforts, the project itself wouldn't get off the ground and would 'die' on the beach like the turtles which hatch and do not make it to the sea because of human interference: poaching of eggs, lighting which confuses them and makes them head inland, etc.
Lindsay Spratt (asker) Dec 13, 2011:
Thanks for your help, everyone The pun for me was what Paula is saying. The expression means to 'fall at the last hurdle' in English, and in this case the project bases are actually located near the beach and work with the turtles' nests on the beach.
Paula Borges Dec 13, 2011:
"Die on the beach" is an expression... Used when plans end up frustrated. If you read the text carefully, it says environmental initiatives such as the project "die on the beach" (are somehow prevented from becoming real) and not turtles literally.
airmailrpl Dec 13, 2011:
nadou nadou e morreu na praia Charada da 6a.: nadou, nadou, morreu na praia -
4 set. 2009 – Não, este cemitério aí da foto não fica no México. Quem me mandou foi um leitor, ou uma leitora, e achei que cabia como uma luva durante

nadou nadou e morreu na praia -
nadou nadou e morreu na praia. O cara deu seu dia pra atingir as 20 mens e olha o que deu... Alegre Piscada Sorrisão ;D > Triste :o 8) ??? : Alegre QIXHSS
Mark Robertson Dec 13, 2011:
Double meaning/Pun The double meaning/pun is literal = literal and litoral = shore?

Proposed translations

3 mins

sucumb, after finally making it ashore

One of, I am sure, may different possibilities
Peer comment(s):

agree Elaine Trevizan
26 mins
thanks Elaine
neutral Mark Robertson : Who die on the beach are the newly hatched turtles, which are picked off by a variety of predators as they make a dash for, not from, the sea.
35 mins
agree Lais Leite
1 day 56 mins
Something went wrong...
19 mins

get stuck in the sand

This expression "morrer na praia" means having expectations and plans and not being able to make them come true for some reason. I can't think of a similar expression in English that is beach-related.
Peer comment(s):

agree kashew : Nice image
18 hrs
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47 mins

literally die "on the beach"

Works just as well in EN as in PT
Peer comment(s):

agree Verginia Ophof
1 hr
neutral airmailrpl : How about some references in EN that prove it is an expression used in EN
3 hrs
Good point. What I am saying is that the source text itself is sufficient to make the meaning of the expression clear.
Something went wrong...
6 hrs

die, literally, at the "finish line"

I'm inclined to go with "on the beach," even though it's not a metaphor in English, because your context is environmental. That said, this suggestion is invokes a reference to a more philosophical context. We sometimes speak of dying at the finish line in English, though it's not a very popular expression. Here are some examples:
... moment of delivery, which is when many babies die.... at the "finish line"! Stillbirth is unpredictable and random. It often strikes like lightening in a thunderstorm. ...
Don't let it collapse and die at the finish line. TA is short on funding for some vital operations, not the least of which is its participation in the ...
Don't let the #texasbakersbill die at the finish line. Call Gov. Perry and ask him to sign SB 81. 1-800-252-9600 or 512-463-2000. 6:57 AM May 31st via web ...
Jul 17, 2011 – Once I became invested financially, I knew I had to finish, and try not to completely die at the finish line. ...

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19 hrs

Crushed like their eggs on the shore

"nipped in the bud" is the idea I think - "never got off the ground"...

Note added at 19 heures (2011-12-14 10:51:50 GMT)

Works better into French : tué dans l'oeuf !
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