Mar 7, 2019 17:43
5 yrs ago
3 viewers *
French term


Non-PRO French to English Other Education / Pedagogy Transcript
This acronym is listed for several courses in the transcript I am translating (License Méchanique et technologie for a French university). It is one of three acronyms used to introduce grades. For example, for the course called Elasticity, there are three grades given under the heading "Epreuves": CC: 11/20, EX: 10/20, TPCC 13/20. From what I can tell, CC refers to lectures, while EX refers to exercises (which we might call labs here in the U.S.) But I can't figure out what TPCC refers to. Any help would be appreciated!
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 practicals:continuous assessment


katsy Mar 12, 2019:
@ Michele I have seen your note. Ph_B, as I understand, has experience in the UK even if not a native British speaker. However, I personally am not familiar with the American terms! It is perhaps best if I send you this link which explains what is meant by "practical work" or "practical"
That may help you to find the equivalent American term.
To add to this: in France, "TP" usually take place in small(ish) groups, to allow more hands-on experience, better access to equipment, and better interrelation with the teacher (who may not be the same teacher as the one who does lectures).
Would it be better for you here to have a UK term or a US term? Who knows, the appropriate US term might well be understood by the UK reader..... (I would not have understood 'labs' as you explain it in your question by the way)
Aah "two countries separated by a common language" :-)
Ph_B (X) Mar 8, 2019:
Thanks Katsy I was thinking of something like "practicals/lab work counting towards continuous assessment" if I remember correctly from my days teaching in a 6th Form College, but Michele is in the US, where they might say it differently. I'd much rather a native speaker worded the actual answer. Feel free to have a go!
katsy Mar 8, 2019:
I would also agree with an answer covering travaux pratiques contrôle continu. Ph_B, methinks, is being somewhat modest in not proposing an answer!
Michele Rosen (asker) Mar 7, 2019:
Thanks for the clarification I've stayed away from KudoZ because there seem to be all sorts of unspoken rules, but I just couldn't resist posting this time. I'll check back tomorrow and see if I can figure out what I'm supposed to do next. Many thanks!
Ph_B (X) Mar 7, 2019:
Michele, Thank you but my message was more an explanation than a translation as such. I see you're a new poster; it's recommended that you wait 24 hours as someone might come up with a proper translation.
Michele Rosen (asker) Mar 7, 2019:
TPCC = travaux pratiques contrôle continue I'd like to vote for this entry if you'll make it - I haven't found any other sources to confirm, but it seems highly likely that this is correct in the context. I plan to use this translation.
Michele Rosen (asker) Mar 7, 2019:
That makes perfect sense! I'll do some searching to see if I can corroborate. Thanks!.
Ph_B (X) Mar 7, 2019:
TPCC travaux pratiques (en) contrôle continu perhaps ? Cf. MCC UE CTES | Faculté des Sciences
Vous trouverez sur cette page, les Modalités de contrôle des Connaissances ... Eléments de glossaire : NF = note finale - P = partiel - CC = contrôle continu - TP = travaux pratiques - O ... Mécanique · Physique · SATIS · Pluridisciplinaire ... Licence Informatique, L2 Informatique Parcours Mathématiques-Informatique en TE ...

Proposed translations

3 days 55 mins

practicals:continuous assessment

With Ph_B's blessing, though I still think they are just as qualified as me to suggest an answer.
Ph_B suggested practical or lab work. I have chosen practical as I am not sure what a TD in this speciality might entail. TD could cover lab work too; but then it also covers "seminars" in arts subjects...
As Ph_B suggests the TD are assessed via continuous assessment, it would seem; hence the : to express this.
Note from asker:
Hi there! Continuous assessment makes perfect sense to me, but the word "practicals" doesn't really sound familiar in American English. I still don't really understand how KudoZ works - can someone who is a native British English speaker vote on this instead of me?
Peer comment(s):

agree Ph_B (X) : Quite agree :-) Another term that I remembered after the discussion is "coursework" as part of continuous assessment.
4 mins
Thanks Ph_B;-) Yes, coursework of course is another possibility, which fits well here. I was considering a term which would fit a more practical/scientific diploma to translate TD. "Coursework" is great!
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1 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I am voting for this answer based on the comments provided, although this is not the term I used - I chose "continuous assessment of coursework.""
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