Jan 20, 2013 01:31
12 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Arabic term

الساعة الميقاتية

Arabic to English Other Human Resources لائحة تنظيم عمل
على العمل أن يثبت حضوره و انصرافه في الساعة الميقاتسة أو السجل المعد لهذا الغرض

Proposed translations

22 mins

Time clock

A timekeeper is an instrument or person that measures the passage of time; in the case of the latter, often with the assistance of a clock or stopwatch. In addition, the timekeeper records time, time taken, or time remaining during events such as sports matches.
A timekeeper is often referred to as a time clock, which tracks employee time. Collecting such data gives employers insight into their workforce. They can then make operational decisions to increase productivity and reduce labor costs.
Peer comment(s):

agree Mokhtar Nabaleh
2 hrs
agree Lina Shehabi Murad (Mourant)
7 hrs
agree Ahmed Badawy : Fine
12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you "
5 mins

schedule hour, schedule time

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1 day 5 hrs

Tell-tale Clock

tell-tale clock ساعة الدوام للموظفين في العمل
Clock in (on) (BR) = punch in (AM)

Record the time at which you arrive at work, especially by putting a card into a machine:
Staff should clock in on arrival. * I clock on at 8 a.m.

Clock out or off (Br) = Punch out (Am)

Record the time at which you leave work, especially by putting a card into a machine:
She clocks off at 5.15. * It's time to clock off and go home.

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2 days 1 hr

Time Punch Clock

Usually a wall-mounted device that records arrival and departure times of workers at a workplace or a factory.
Example sentence:

His alibi worked because his time punch clock card showed that he was at the office during the incident.

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