Glossary entry

Croatian term or phrase:

proći program

English translation:

attend a program

Added to glossary by ivanamdb
Apr 10, 2008 22:27
16 yrs ago
Croatian term

proći program

Croatian to English Other Government / Politics
Hrvatskoj nedostaje i suvremeni program prema standardima koje su postavile najbolje evropske novinarske škole kroz koji bi prošli mlade novinarke i novinari sa sveučilišnim obrazovanjem kako bi usavršili svoje znanje i vještine.
Change log

Apr 11, 2008 14:28: Veronica Prpic Uhing changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/136136">eleonora_r's</a> old entry - "nedostaje program kroz koji bi prošli mladi novinari kako bi usavršili svoje znanje i vještine"" to ""lacks a program ...that young journalists would attend to improve/develop their knowledge and skills""

Apr 11, 2008 14:59: eleonora_r changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/9515">Veronica Prpic Uhing's</a> old entry - "nedostaje program "" to ""lacks a program ""

Apr 12, 2008 15:46: ivanamdb changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/136136">eleonora_r's</a> old entry - "proći program "" to ""attend a program ""


Veronica Prpic Uhing Apr 11, 2008:
MODERATOR: Please observe rule
Thank you!

Proposed translations

42 mins

doesn't have a program ...which young journalists could attend (u kontekstu)

ja to ne bih bukvalno prevodila - nego kao "nema program koji bi mladi novinari mogli pohadjati..."
Peer comment(s):

agree Branko Bojanin : i sa tim bih se složio
14 mins
agree Ulvija Tanovic (X) : lacks a programme... THAT young journalists WOULD attend... to improve/develop their knowledge and skills
1 hr
hvala hvala!
agree Nedim Sahovic
8 hrs
agree Natasa Djurovic
10 hrs
agree Larisa Djuvelek-Ruggiero (X)
6 days
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Evo, malo sam preinačila kombinirajući prijedloge. Nadam se da je to u redu. Puno hvala!"
29 mins

pass the program

Pass the (journalism) program

For example:

Program Requirements
Campus Location:
Main Campus, Center City

Courses are primarily offered at the well-equipped and professional facility of Temple University Center City campus (TUCC), a location across from the Philadelphia City Hall and appropriate for a professional news training program.
Peer comment(s):

agree Branko Bojanin : agree
8 mins
agree Verena Fuglestad (X) : Evo kako bih prevela: So far Croatia hasn't implemented a course of study/program in line with (the standards of) the major European universities, where young journalist .... are offered the possibility to fully develop their professional skills.
8 hrs
I agree
agree Natasa Djurovic
10 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs


undertake the study/ program

ili complete the program...
Something went wrong...
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