Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:


English translation:

Consolidation Act

Added to glossary by phil curry
Jul 26, 2010 11:34
14 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Danish term


Danish to English Tech/Engineering Energy / Power Generation EU legislation
Apologies for the non/danish keyboard, I'm not at home at the moment.This is a general enquiry to get the thorny question ironed out before I begin my next marathon job! I have translated these terms so many times before, but there seem to be various alternatives. Can I appeal to my colleagues here on Proz for some opinions? How do you translate the following:
Litra (as in litra 3)

And do any of you know a source of DA/Eng EU terminology that I don't?

Looking forward to your answers


Chris Says Bye Jul 28, 2010:
Thanks Mette I stand corrected. So what we've got is the promulgation of a consolidated/consolidation/consolidating act. Which was pretty much the conclusion the last time this came up:
Mette Melchior Jul 27, 2010:
Consolidation vs. consolidated Maybe this is why Helen prefers "consolidated act" instead of "consolidation act"? I.e. since it is the consolidated version of an act.
Mette Melchior Jul 27, 2010:
Regarding "lovbekendtgørelse" As far as I know, a Danish "lovbekendtgørelse" does always consolidate existing legislation but you are right that the publication is only for administrative purposes. Whether or not "consolidation act" or "consolidated act" would be appropriate translations must be for others to decide. I am not a native English speaker and don't translate to English but just wanted to add the suggestion since I have seen this translation used.

Here is the definition from
'En lovbekendtgørelse udstedes administrativt og er en sammenskrivning af den oprindelige lov og senere ændringslove.'

You can also see the explanation given here:,_jura_o...
Chris Says Bye Jul 27, 2010:
Help! I'm not an expert on Danish law, but as I understand it:
1. A lovbekendtgørelse doesn't necessarily consolidate existing legislation. It could be a brand new piece of legislation.
2. A lovbekendtgørelse isn't the legislation itself, it's the publication of the legislation.
In other words, I understand it as the public notice of a new or updated act which may or may not be consolidating previous legislation. If I'm right, translating it as consolidation act could be doubly inappropriate. If I'm wrong, I'd love to know!!
(Although as I say, half the time I think plain "act" covers it!)
Mette Melchior Jul 26, 2010:
EU terminology To answer the question about terminology resources we would need to know which ones you already know ;-)

Apart from the DGT-TMs, EUR-LEX, IATE and EUROVOC for EU terminology, I recently became aware of this resource where you can search for translations of technical regulations from the different member states:

It is more cumbersome than searching EUR-LEX since you have to compare the different language versions manually, but I think it can be useful in relation to the translation of national law texts (not texts drafted by the EU) to find suggestions for translations of terms belonging to a specific country's legal system. You can also search for technical regulations relating to the subject you are translating.

Proposed translations

8 hrs
Danish term (edited): lovbekendtgørelse

Consolidation Act

A "lovbekendtgørelse" is a consolidated text which incorporates later changes to the law.

These are the suggestions from Helle Pals Frandsen's legal dictionary:
"consolidated/consolidating/consolidation act/statute
an Act to consolidate the law on …"

I have seen several unofficial translations of Danish law texts where the translation Consolidation Act has been used. Below is an example from a translation of ferieloven.

Note added at 8 hrs (2010-07-26 19:41:22 GMT)

Speaking of which... I would love some holiday soon!
Note from asker:
Thanks for these suggestions and links Mette. My question was mostly trying to get some sort of consensus, which I now seem to have got - I like both consolidation regulation and consolidation act and may well ultimately swing towards act. And I'm just back from a well earned holiday, so you probably deserve one too :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
14 mins

promulgation order

Although half the time I think "act" would cover it
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3 mins

Consolidating Regulation


Note added at 10 mins (2010-07-26 11:45:17 GMT)

Bekendtgoerelse = I usually translate this as executive order or notification, depending on the contect
Lovbekendtgoerelse = Consolidating Regulation (the only translation suggested by IATE)
Lov = usually Act or just law, depending on context.
Litra (as in litra 3) = I would normally solve this issue by using brackets, (3), but it could be point, section or sub-section depending on the context.

Do you know this link?

Note added at 15 mins (2010-07-26 11:49:52 GMT)

If you compare - 3... and - 3... you will see on page 3, Article 1(a), that "litra e og i" has been translated simply as "(e) and (i)"
Note from asker:
Thanks Diarmud, Interesting this. Consolidating regulation is new to me - I think I have translated it simply as 'Regulation' in the past without any comments from the EU. I also use Executive Order for Bekendtgoerelse and Act for lov - or law according to context as you suggest. The brackets I like - they use it themselves, so why the Danes have to make it litra I don't know. Probably Danish legispeak. I just wanted to get a consensus of opinion. Thanks for your help.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Chris Says Bye : Agree with all except the main one - perhaps that translation was for a specific context?
15 mins
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21 hrs

consolidated act

In L&H. I've used it many a time. (Not consolidation act)
Note from asker:
While not wishing to pour oil on troubled waters, further on in the doc I was working on, I came across a link to already translated EU material in which they used Consolidation Act.... hmmm
Peer comment(s):

agree Erik Matson
5 days
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