Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:

Registrering or sket

English translation:

[the company] is registered

Added to glossary by Mabel Garzón
Jul 27, 2005 08:40
19 yrs ago
Danish term

Registrering or sket

Danish to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
Registrering or sket

(The expression)
Proposed translations (English)
4 +3 [the company] is registered

Discussion Jul 27, 2005:
Yes, quite probably, though I have a bad copy.
Michele Fauble Jul 27, 2005:
'er sket'?

Proposed translations

13 mins

[the company] is registered

That is the approximate literal meaning, but how you formulate it depends on the context.
Peer comment(s):

agree Bente Sorensen : agree - or "registration has taken place"
5 mins
agree pcovs : Or - registration is completed! For instance for on-line registrations. ;o)
18 mins
Thanks. All of these suggestions are possible, of course.
agree Helle Sabroe : Any of the above depending on context as Dana says
9 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "THank you Dana"
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