Jul 3, 2001 23:11
23 yrs ago
Dutch term

naar tijdgelang afschrijven

Dutch to English Bus/Financial
Again, a term from the annual report I am currently working on.

The sentence is as follows:

In het jaar van verkrijging wordt naar tijdgelang afgeschreven.

As always, many thanks for your suggestions - KudoZ points are to follow.


Proposed translations

3 hrs

In the year of purchase, depreciation is on a pro rata basis.

Or simply: Fixed assets are depreciated as from the date of purchase.

Written off is incorrect.
Peer comment(s):

agree Davorka Grgic : Congratulations, "depreciation" is the word, but I don´t quite understand "pro rata basis".
27 mins
Pro rata basis: Proportional basis (e.g. @ 20% x 9/12 if purchased in April)
disagree Titia Dijkstra : Simply stating writing off withhout an explanation is too simplistic. I checked an English Finance Dict. It does work.
42 mins
Reply sent to Titia direct.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Excellent, concise translation. Many thanks to everyone for their suggestions"
34 mins

the time-weighted writing off is begun.

In the year of acquisition, etc.
De terminologie is wat vrij in de zin verwerkt, maar de woorden die ik gevonden heb lijken me duidelijk.
Peer comment(s):

disagree jarry (X) : See my answer
2 hrs
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1 hr

written off in the order of acquisition

The Dutch sentence is terrible!
"tijdgelang" does not exist as a tzerm (VanDale / Kramer's). What I think they mean, is a combination of
gelang = according to + time.
If yopu add this to "verkrijging" then you arrive at "according to the year of acquisition". And "afschrijving" is a write-off.

Peer comment(s):

disagree jarry (X) : See my answer
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
2 hrs

written off depending / based on the time passed from its acqusition

There is no mention of the term "tijdgelang" in any of my dictionaries.

Alternatives are:

naar gelang de tijd

naar gelang van de tijd

Two bilingual sites with the terms:

Terms of payment

1. With regard to prices, the rates and/or fees to be charged, Target Reactions will set its own rates in proportion to time and circumstances. All rates and/or fees indicated are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate and may be altered without notice

Overwegende dat als gewicht het koud geslacht gewicht in aanmerking wordt genomen; dat dit gewicht wordt berekend door op het geconstateerde gewicht een nader te bepalen verwerkingscoëfficiënt toe te passen; dat deze coëfficiënt kan variëren naar gelang van de tijd die verloopt tussen het steken van het varken en de weging; dat deze coëfficiënt derhalve dienovereenkomstig moet kunnen worden aangepast.

Whereas 'weight' is taken to mean the weight of the cold carcase; whereas this is calculated by applying to the result of the weighing a conversion coefficient to be determined; whereas that coefficient may vary depending on the time between the weighing and the sticking of the pig; whereas an adjustment of the coefficient should therefore be allowed;


Voor wat betreft de in rekening te brengen tarieven en/of honoraria stelt Target Reactions, naar gelang van tijd en omstandigheden, zijn eigen tarieven vast;

Translation of the terms:

according to time
in proportion to time
depending on time

English phraseology:

written off in required time frame
written off after a lapse of time
written off over time
write off in good time


... accounting, the difference between the price paid and the book value of the acquired
company's net assets is written off over time as an annual expense. ...

SocietyGuardian.co.uk | Society | Stormy waters
... of a charity's expenditure and that investment in fundraising should be written off
over time in the same way as capital expenditure. "If a charity invests 2m ...

In conclusion, my suggestion is as above.

Hope this helps a bit.


see above


Peer comment(s):

disagree jarry (X) : See my answer
1 hr
I agree with your answer.
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5 hrs

straight line depreciation

Ik denk dat men hier met "naar tijdgelang afschrijven" eigenlijk "lineair afschrijven" bedoelt. Eurodicautom geeft:

lineaire afschrijving:
straight line depreciation
straight-line method
depreciation straight line method

Definitie (eveneens volgens Eurodic):
a method of computing depreciation and consists of making provisions by which the sums,actually or theoretically set aside for depreciation,are computed at an equal periodic rate by bividing the depreciable base by the number of years or period of expected life.Thus,with a base of 1000 dollars and an estimated life of 10 years,the annual rate would be 10 per cent to produce an annual charge of 100 dollars and a total of 1000 dollars in 10 years

Peer comment(s):

disagree jarry (X) : Pro rata and straight-line are fundamentally different concepts
2 hrs
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