Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Health Communication and Promotion

Arabic translation:

التواصل والتوعية الصحية

Added to glossary by Ali Alawadi
Dec 7, 2006 08:08
18 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term

Health Communication and Promotion

English to Arabic Other Medical: Health Care Public Health
It is a title in a report on the activity of some international organisation

Proposed translations

46 mins

التواصل وتعزيز الصحة/التواصل والتوعية الصحية

Hi Amgad
I googled and yahoo(ed) the title..
Certain health websites call health promotion تعزيز الصحة
ويقصد به عقد الجلسات والمؤتمرات التي تتناول آخر المستجدات البحثية أو التوجهات بشأن أوضاع ما تتعلق بالصحة
Other websites call health promotion التوعية الصحية
وهي تحمل نفس المعنى تقريبا كسابقتها

أنا شخصيا أفضل التواصل وتعزيز الصحة
أو التواصل الصحي وتعزيز الصحة
ولو كنت لا أرى ضيرا في عدم تكرار الصفة "الصحي" مع كل من
communication and promotion

Note from asker:
Thank you Ali for your time and help.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you Ali"
2 hrs

التعزيز والتواصل الصحي

أو التعزيز والتثقيف الصحي

Note added at 2 hrs (2006-12-07 10:54:18 GMT)

Public health communication means the systematic attempt to influence health practices of large populations positively, using principles and methods of mass communication, instructional design, health education, social marketing, behavioral analysis, anthropology, and related public health and social sciences. The term implies reliance on multiple channels, coordinated to introduce sustained change in specific practices crucial to realizing a public health impact.
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3 hrs

الإرشاد الصحي والنهوض به

UN agencies working in remote areas worldwide uses the term 'health communicator' as: مرشد صحي.
They have a conference called 'International Conference on Health Promotion', which is translated formally as: المؤتمر الدولي المعني بالنهوض بالصحة.

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