Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

bits of experience of given data

Chinese translation:


Added to glossary by Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Jul 26, 2004 06:20
20 yrs ago
English term

bits of experience of given data

English to Chinese Social Sciences History Intellectual History
Now Plato himself was fully aware of a difficulty other-worldly philosophers have always had troubled with. He had to use 憌ords

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7 hrs


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agree Chinoise
2 hrs
agree Ozethai
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks to Xianjun and Lesley. 试译:发明者的这个机巧的「想法」,甚至对思想绵密的人而言,也已经是他们在现实世界之中体验到的点点滴滴所构成的「组合」。"
19 hrs

the inventor's idea is a combination of 堦场堦场揑experience of 朸嵄 data

Even the inventor乫s 乬idea乭 of his contraption is to the tough-minded a 乪combination乫 of this-worldly, already concrete, bits of experience of given data.

=> To the tough-minded, even the inventor's "idea" of his contraption is a 'combination' of this-worldly, already concrete, bits of experience of given data.

comparing this-worldly (the tough-minded)and other-worldly (Plato's) views of reality

If you want to say everything is this-worldly (ie material), then even the inventor's concept of his/her invention is 'of this world' (a combination of experience of facts).

already concrete = already able to be sensed - (you have a lot of this vocabulary I think already from Marxist materialist philosophy).

given data = known, can be listed, data. 朸嵄data

Note added at 19 hrs 51 mins (2004-07-27 02:11:33 GMT)

I did this in Western European Windows, same as the question. You have to use ShiftJIS to read it...
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agree Chinoise
1 hr
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