Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

How fantasy can be turned into reality

French translation:

Où le rêve devient la réalité

Added to glossary by markmx
Sep 5, 2002 14:38
22 yrs ago
English term

discover how fantasy can be turned into reality

Non-PRO English to French Art/Literary
Sorry, I'm being really lazy here because I'm in a hurry.
I've got an obvious translation ('comment la fantaisie peut être - transformée en / devenue - (la) réalité'), but is there a hipper and more modern, idiomatic way of saying this?

Discussion Sep 5, 2002:
fantasy>reality In answer to CGagnon -
it's an article about major advances in science and physics that are turning the remote fantasies of TV sci-fi (teleportation, growing new limbs and organs from a single Adult Stem Cell, mass- producing spider silk for technological purposes, etc.) into current or imminent reality. The theme is that yesterday's magic is becoming today's viable science. Sep 5, 2002:
fantasy>reality it's in the Imperative

Proposed translations

2 hrs

Où le rêve devient la réalité

I imagine you`re describing a tourist resort or something of that nature...Perhaps the imperative can be juggled around a bit, by making a statement of fact rather than a command.
Peer comment(s):

agree niort57
5 hrs
agree CHENOUMI (X)
14 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "It's unfair of me, but considering NancyLynn's and lien's suggestions, I found a better way of doing it which isn't in the Imperative (that I initially requested). I've finally settled on 'où le rêve devient la réalité. Thank you all for your helpful ideas. "
1 min

Découvrir comment la fiction peut devenir réalité

Peer comment(s):

agree Said Kaljanac a.k.a. SARAJ : :)
3 mins
agree Geneviève von Levetzow
4 mins
agree Lise Boismenu, B.Sc. : Wow!
5 mins
agree Anacalixto
1 hr
agree swani (X)
1 hr
agree Nathalie M. Girard, ALHC (X) : "Découvrez" comment la fiction peut devenir réalité...
2 hrs
agree CGagnon : Difficile d'être plus précis sans contexte. Un jour peut-être les demandeurs se donneront la peine de taper le contexte de leur requête...
2 hrs
agree CHENOUMI (X)
17 hrs
agree Alina Matei
20 hrs
agree ND
23 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 mins

À la découverte de la fiction devenue réalité

Peer comment(s):

agree CHENOUMI (X)
16 hrs
Merci Sandra :)
Something went wrong...
1 hr

Transformer un rêve en réalité

ou :

Comment l'imagination peut se matérialiser.
Peer comment(s):

agree NancyLynn : oh oui!
1 hr
agree CHENOUMI (X)
15 hrs
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

Decouvrez comment changer fiction en realite.

Sorry for the accents (grave on 1st, 3rd and 4th "e"), I am quite new, and am still gathering the appropriate software.
It might be closer to the original wording...
Something went wrong...
8 hrs


la realite depasse la fiction
Something went wrong...
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