Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


French translation:

demande de renseignements

Added to glossary by Francis MARC
Feb 22, 2003 20:30
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


English to French Bus/Financial
that is difficult in a sense because the letter written by the member of staff was an enquiry because this had come to their attention. It was a perfectly vali enquiry because it has just been attached. I may have thought it is not possible or I may have thought 'Has he acquired some shares in the UK ?' It was a genuine inquiry, but investigatons showed that they actually related to another client

(contexte : interrogatoire suite à une erreur d'un cabinet d'expertise qui a mélangé par inadvertance des documents concernant deux clients différents).

Proposed translations

3 mins

demande de renseignements

sens général qui devrait correspondre ici aussi
Peer comment(s):

agree Meri Buettner
52 mins
agree Germaine
23 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
4 mins

demande de réponse

Something went wrong...
6 mins


demande d'information mais en termes juridiques
Peer comment(s):

agree mchd : pour ce contexte
1 hr
agree Shog Imas
2 hrs
22 hrs
agree danyce
1 day 22 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 mins

Demande de renseignements

Inquiry and enquiry ont les mêmes définitions, mais ne sont ici pas utilisés dans le même sens.

Enquiry serait la demande de renseignements et

Inquiry serait une requête

Note added at 2003-02-22 20:38:07 (GMT)

Selon Termium!

Note added at 2003-02-22 21:16:42 (GMT)

Selon Termium!
Peer comment(s):

agree Meri Buettner : super explication
48 mins
agree Germaine
23 hrs
Something went wrong...
15 mins

enquête/entrevue/demande de renseignements

Si c'est très sérieux, je pense à enquête qui = enquiry Réf: dictionnaire des termes de la sociologie, Marabout Alleurs, 1991
Peer comment(s):

agree Paul Berthelot : moi aussi, enquête
11 hrs
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