Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Life time records

French translation:

Fichier (permanent)

Added to glossary by Catherine GEFFRAY
Sep 17, 2013 13:45
11 yrs ago
English term

Life time records

English to French Tech/Engineering Law: Contract(s)
The Sub-contractor shall produce and collate Life Time Records progressively and in parallel with installation. These records shall, as a minimum, be in accordance with the contractually agreed Supplier Document Schedule (SDS) and ITP’s which will indicate those records that are required to be included in the Quality Documentation Package to be provided to xxx on completion of installation.
Proposed translations (French)
2 +3 Fichier (permanent)
Change log

Sep 17, 2013 13:49: writeaway changed "Field (specific)" from "Engineering (general)" to "Law: Contract(s)"


Catherine GEFFRAY (asker) Sep 17, 2013:
Pas satisfaite de la réponse !!
Catherine GEFFRAY (asker) Sep 17, 2013:
Oui mais la féponse ne me satisfait qu'à moitié....voilà pourquoi je la repose !!
mchd Sep 17, 2013:
question déjà posée il y a très peu de temps .

Proposed translations

1 hr

Fichier (permanent)

Peu, mais suffisant!
Peer comment(s):

agree Carole Salas : OUI!
14 mins
17 mins
agree Bertrand Leduc
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "merci mais je trouve que cela ne donne pas l'idée de life je n'ai rien trouvé d' mieux en français"
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