This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Jan 28, 2013 14:34
12 yrs ago
English term

Leak generator

English to French Tech/Engineering Petroleum Eng/Sci
Here is the whole segment: "Leak generator kit, one per station"
It's a catalogue of equipment for petrol stations.
The section is about "Secondary Containment Monitoring" and subsection "Sensor Modules".

Hoiw is it called in French, as "générateur de fuiite" sounds quite weird to me, and I didn't find anything satisfactory on the net?

Thousands of thanks to all.


Dominique Bimont-capocci (asker) Jan 29, 2013:
In fact, don't you think that "simulateur de fuite" would be better, as suggested Alain Boulé?
Dominique Bimont-capocci (asker) Jan 29, 2013:
I had to ask the client, as like every one of you, it was really confusing. So, there it is: "This kit is a special kit for E85 fuel, which would be corrosive to other kits of the same type. Essentially it uses a needle valve to create a leak in the system, so that the Autolearn software can calculate what the pressure looks like if a genuine leak were to be introduced to the system. So it does generate leaks for the purpose of learning what a leak acts like in any given system."
So it does generate leak, and there I can call it "générateur de fuite"...

This answer really helped me and I'm sure it helps you too! yeepee! :)
And MANY thanks to you all....
kashew Jan 28, 2013:
Vague English? is it a generator kit for dealing with leaks,
or less likely,
a kit for provoking leaks(?)
I'd put my money on the former, a leak generator-kit.
Alain Boulé Jan 28, 2013:
Je n'ai pas la réponse, mais il me semblerait plus logique de parler de "simulateur de fuite", sinon, pourquoi "generator" ?

Proposed translations

3 mins

Kit de réparation pour fuite sur générateur

Je pense qu'il s'agit d'un kit destiné à corriger une fuite...
Peer comment(s):

agree Johannes Gleim : probablement
17 mins
agree Bertrand Leduc
22 hrs
Something went wrong...
8 mins

Kit de détection de fuites

Etant donné que ce terme est dans la section "Secondary Containment Monitoring", je pense qu'il s'agit d'un capteur qui permet de détecter (sensor) les fuites.
Note from asker:
Il est effectivement dans la section "Secondary Containment Monitoring", mais dans la sous-section "Sensor Modules", vient en suite une autre section "Install Kit", vous en pensez quoi ? En tout cas, merci à tous deux pour vos réponses rapides...
Peer comment(s):

agree GILLES MEUNIER : Je pensais à générateur pour la détection des fuites
1 min
Something went wrong...
12 mins

kit de détecteur de fuite

Something went wrong...
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