English term
5 DD 20-digit number
I found two possibilities: DD could either stand for "deemed destitue", which seems highly unlikely because why would a person be declared to be pooron their driver license??
Or it could say: defensive driving, meaning this person has taken a defensive driving class...
I am lost - can anyone confirm, deny or has the right answer?
Mar 1, 2011 17:23: Ingo Dierkschnieder changed "Term asked" from "DD on a Texas driver license" to "DD"
Mar 2, 2011 08:43: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Other" to "Law/Patents"
This is what I've found now. Appearantly it's the audit number that was introduced to check counterfeit DLs...
So I guess I will go with "Prüfungsnummer"...
Knowing civil servants, when regarding translated documents CAN be beastly, I would still recommend you just copy those digits and letters, without comment.
Yo ucould also go to the website of THE Sherriff's Department or police unit, that issued the licence, to get more info. with all the marshalls, sherriffs, polices, constabularies about in the U.S., this will probably be very different from town to town, and county to county.