Aug 21, 2013 17:10
11 yrs ago
English term


English to German Art/Literary Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
This is from a movie trailer for an older Western. The whole sentence is:


I need your opinion if I should translate the "baby-faced kid" just with "Das Milchgesicht" or if I should rather use "der milchgesichtige Junge"

"Das Milchgesicht" seems more appropriate to me, but I would really appreciate your input :)


Ramey Rieger (X) Aug 22, 2013:
Thanks mill2 have done!
mill2 Aug 22, 2013:
@Ramey Agree with your suggestion - why don't you post it as an answer?
Ramey Rieger (X) Aug 22, 2013:
Hi Martina If it is his name, then you have to use it. I would do it thus: Kid, das Milchgesicht mit einem Heiligenschein des Haßes. Or something like that.
Emaleth Aug 22, 2013:
I would rather call it something like Milchbubi-Kid if the nickname should be kept
Martina Kilgo (asker) Aug 21, 2013:
Additional information for this question I researched a little more and found out that "Kid" is the nickname of the guy in question. Would the appropriate translation then be "Milchgesicht Kid?"

Proposed translations

17 hrs

Kid, das Milchgesicht mit einem Heiligenschein des Haßes

I hope the grammar is correct!
Peer comment(s):

agree mill2 : might be a better way to express the halo part, but if the character's nickname is Kid, the first part of this phrase works well
1 hr
Yes, there is most definitely a better way, I was more concerned with the structure solution. Thank you!
agree Steffen Walter : "... des Hasses", though. / alternative for second part: vom/von Hass gezeichnet/umwölkt
5 hrs
Thanks, Steffen, I wasn't sure about the "ß", although that is how I learned to spell it. As to the second part, you're right.
agree Lonnie Legg
12 hrs
Thank you, Lonnie Legg! Be well.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
11 mins
English term (edited): baby-faced kid

milchgesichtiger Bube

ein junger, milchgesichtiger Bube

Bube (Spielkarte)
Der Bube – auch Junge oder Bauer genannt – ist eine Spielkarte, die in vielen verschiedenen Kartenblättern auftaucht, auf der meist ein bedeutender Ritter ...

Exodus by vallendrael (Aufbruch ins Land der Dämonen ...
Noch ein paar Minuten verstrichen, dann stolperte **ein junger, milchgesichtiger Bube** mit Sommersprossen vor, der mit quakiger Stimmer, die deutlich seine ...

Note added at 10 hrs (2013-08-22 03:44:02 GMT)

M i l c h b u b i = unselbstständiges Muttersöhnchen

Milchbubi (Deutsch)
Bedeutungen: unselbstständiges Muttersöhnchen
Herkunft: Determinativkompositum aus den Substantiven Milch und Bubi
Synonyme: Warmduscher, Weichei
Gegenwörter: Kerl, Macho, Macker
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