English term
assigned commonly
3 | gemeinsam mit der vorliegenden Erfindung als Patent erteilt | Ivo Lang |
Feb 13, 2007 14:47: Steffen Walter changed "Field (write-in)" from "patentwesen" to "(none)"
Proposed translations
gemeinsam mit der vorliegenden Erfindung als Patent erteilt
If (1) at least one common inventor exists between the applications or the applications are commonly assigned and (2) the effective filing dates are different, then a provisional rejection of the later filed application should be made.
The present invention preferably utilizes a virtual socket system such as is illustrated in commonly assigned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/601,804 entitled CLIENT/SERVER COMMUNICATION SYSTEM
http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=gemeinsames patent&meta=
Note added at 3 hrs (2007-02-13 16:53:20 GMT)
"instant invention" ist, wie Steffen schön erklärt hat (siehe Beleg oben), die "vorliegende Erfindung".
m Deutschen?