Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

... without consequences ...

German translation:

ohne Folgen

Added to glossary by Allesklar
Oct 26, 2004 15:41
20 yrs ago
English term

... without consequences ...

English to German Other Marketing Train-The-Trainer Seminar (Pharma)
Train-the-Trainer Seminar (pharmazeutisches Unternehmen)


On the following pages, there are example training methods you can use. They are:
- Case Study
- Debate
- Summary
- Simulation
- Did I answer your question?
- Role Play

Role Play
Trainees are given the opportunity to act through a situation WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES in order to assess their ability to perform a task. Also called "People to People".

Den Begriff "without consequences" verstehe ich in diesem Zusammenhang nicht.
Proposed translations (German)
4 +7 ohne Folgen/nNachwirkungen/Konsequenzen

Proposed translations

2 mins

ohne Folgen/nNachwirkungen/Konsequenzen

It just says, that they are practicing, without the risk of real life consequnces.
Peer comment(s):

agree Katrin Suchan : ja, sozusagen "im Unreinen". Die Situationen werden simuliert.
1 min
agree Peter Gennet
2 mins
agree Asaphina
15 mins
agree Aniello Scognamiglio (X) : Trockentraining, alles ist erlaubt;-)
32 mins
agree Thomas Bollmann
49 mins
agree Derek Gill Franßen
55 mins
agree Sabine Griebler
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Vielen Dank!"
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