Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Emergency Motion

Hungarian translation:

sürgősségi / soron kívüli indítvány

Added to glossary by Katalin Szilárd
Dec 11, 2009 12:24
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

Emergency Motion

English to Hungarian Law/Patents Law (general)
Gyermekelhelyezési perről van szó. A mondat:
"This case came before the Court, in chambers, upon an Emergency Motion for Temporary Custody of Minor Child and Supervised Visitation by the Petitioner."
Proposed translations (Hungarian)
5 +5 sürgősségi / soron kívüli indítvány
Change log

Dec 17, 2009 07:01: Katalin Szilárd changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/995479">Szebcsi's</a> old entry - "Emergency Motion"" to ""sürgősségi / soron kívüli indítvány""

Proposed translations

12 mins

sürgősségi / soron kívüli indítvány Orders/General Ord...

"(h) "Emergency motion" - means a motion requesting action in 21 days or less, or any other motion which in the court's judgment requires immediate consideration. "
Peer comment(s):

agree Blanka Nagy
11 mins
agree Iosif JUHASZ
1 hr
agree Erzsébet Czopyk : ügyi vagy!
3 hrs
Köszönöm! :)
agree Erika Nagy, Esq.
7 hrs
agree Tradeuro Language Services
7 hrs
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