Feb 28, 2011 17:46
14 yrs ago
English term

direct transfer mechanism

Homework / test English to Hungarian Social Sciences Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Az alábbi mondatban találtam ezt a kifejezést:

"Scaling up of school feeding and maternal and child feeding programmes has been an especially common response, particularly in countries that lack other direct transfer mechanisms."

Konkrét jelentését a "direct transfer mechanism" kifejezésnek sehol nem találtam. Esetleg tud valaki jó megoldást erre?

Proposed translations

1 hr

közvetlen (szociális) juttatási mechanizmus

Ez egy olyan kifejezés, amely esetében a teljes szöveg nélkül csak tippelni lehetne. De nagyon valószínű, hogy ez a teljes szöveg:


Ebből így már ki lehet hámozni, hogy a transfer itt juttatást jelent.

Recognizing both short- and long-term implications of household responses to the crisis, countries are taking steps to establish social protection and safety net programmes that cushion the impact of the crisis on the poor and vulnerable, even under tight fiscal conditions. The most common response has been to scale up coverage or benefits, or to initiate new transfer programmes targeted to the chronically poor and food-insecure.

transfer programmes -> juttatási programok

In April 2009, the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination agreed to establish a Social Protection Floor (SPF). as one of its initiatives to cope with the global crisis. Focusing on both essential services and essential social transfers, the SPF will support governments by providing them with a menu of core vulnerability-reducing activities from which to select, including: diagnostics and needs assessments; review and appraisal of existing programmes; recommendations on programme adjustments and implementation plans; and funding opportunities and modalities. Support for capacity-building and advocacy will also be provided

social transfers -> szociális juttatások

Peer comment(s):

agree Iosif JUHASZ
19 hrs
agree Attila Magyar
2 days 15 hrs
agree Tradeuro Language Services
5 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
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