Jun 13, 2002 13:40
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

Fulfillment Pricelist

English to Italian Marketing
Naming Convention Change on Fulfillment Pricelists


Non-ProZ.com Jun 13, 2002:
Note: Actually, I do not have much context myself. This is some odd pricelist companies like Microsoft, Sun, Compaq send to their channel personnel. Another instance in which the word appears is Software Media Fulfillment, related to Ms products. Of course, MS glossaries do not help much.

Proposed translations

48 mins

variazione della convenzione di assegnazione dei nomi nei listini prezzi delle forniture



Note added at 2002-06-13 14:32:30 (GMT)

Or, better: \"variazione nella convenzione di assegnazione dei nomi per i listini prezzi delle forniture\"

Peer comment(s):

agree gmel117608
1 day 23 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to everybody. I still have my doubts about the fulfillment pricelists. AndyG had an inventive solution. I favour "listino prezzi di integrazione", as I understand fulfillment as a product which complements another product. But I still have not seen anything like this."
15 mins


Hi, it is not easy to suggest a good translation without more context; I can just guess that "Convention change on fulfillment" might be referred to a modification of sale conditions when a fixed target has been achieved: "Modifica dell'accordo/delle convenzioni a compimento/realizzazione dell'obiettivo prefissato/concordato", for example; Pricelist = listino dei prezzi, or listino prezzi; Naming = richiamare, denominare, ecc....?

Unless you give us more exhaustive indications, I don't know how could we help you better...

Ciao, Gilda
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2 hrs

Modifica dei listini prezzi in base al costo pieno

It seems to be the request of changing the price lists taking into account the full-cost pricing: full-cost + present production +expected future production + %-profit...
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