Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

motor reducing gear set

Italian translation:


Added to glossary by Claudia Cherici
Jul 27, 2013 09:20
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

motor reducing gear set

English to Italian Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Under normal working conditions, these accessories will give you long service life before requiring replacement.
However, early wear or clogging can be caused by sticky deposits.
To reduce the risk of this happening, check the cleanliness of the plate at regular intervals.
The motor reducing gear set is maintenance-free.
The mounting of the rollers on the deck requires an adapter ref. xxx.
Change log

Jul 28, 2013 21:55: Claudia Cherici Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

19 hrs


è semplicemente questo (set si riferisce al fatto che un motoriduttore è costituito da una serie di ingranaggi collegati)
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
11 mins

il set riduttori per motori

Anche solo "i riduttori"
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