Feb 17, 2003 06:34
22 yrs ago
English term

at the lake

Non-PRO English to Italian Other
we have a cottage at a lake. cottage would be Villa i believe
Proposed translations (Italian)
4 +2 Cottage sul lago

Proposed translations

3 mins

Cottage sul lago

You can say "cottage" in Italian, too. Here follows the definition from my Devoto - Oli dictionary.

Cottage: casa di campagna, spec. a un solo piano, intonata all'ambiente rustico circostante.

Note added at 2003-02-17 06:40:43 (GMT)

... e abbiamo subito realizzato che avremmo apprezzato molto il nostro soggiorno lì, nel cottage sul lago. In pochi minuti di osservazione abbiamo registrato:

\"Villa sul lago\" (or \"villa al lago\") is OK if the house you are talking about is bigger and elegant.

Here is the definition for villa, too: tipo di abitazione ampia ed elegante, circondata da un giardino o parco più o meno estesi.
Peer comment(s):

agree Gian : villa; or villetta/villino (small villa)
1 hr
agree emanuelabergia
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you so much. Just wanted to give my cottage a name. We worked many years to aquire it. Thank you again. The Formentin family"
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