Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Deal with chattels and real personal property

Italian translation:

trattare beni mobili (o beni ed effetti) ed interessi di locazione e beni immobili

Added to glossary by tradu-grace
May 26, 2011 07:40
13 yrs ago
18 viewers *
English term

Deal with chattels and real personal property

English to Italian Law/Patents Real Estate General Power of Attorney
La frase inclusa in una procura è questa:

To purchase or otherwise acquire, and to sell, exchange, lease, dispose or *deal with chattels and real personal property* and right of all kinds of the Company.

Non capisco perché chattels venga affiancato a personal property, non sono entrambi beni mobili? E poi è possibile che real e personal property che hanno significati opposti siano uniti davanti a property senza una congiunzione?

Grazie a chi mi può aiutare!
Change log

May 27, 2011 12:06: tradu-grace Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

59 mins

trattare beni mobili (o beni ed effetti) ed interessi di locazione e beni immobili

ho cercato di rendere coincisa la mia opzione di tradu

explanation in English

▶noun (in general use) a personal possession.
■ Law an item of property other than freehold land, including tangible goods (chattels personal) and leasehold interests (chattels real).
real and personal property
Basic types of property in English common law, roughly corresponding to the division between immovables and movables in civil law. Real property consists of land, buildings, crops, and other resources, improvements, or fixtures still attached to the land. Personal property is essentially all property other than real property, including goods, animals, money, and vehicles.
(Law) immovable property, esp land and buildings, including proprietary rights over land, such as mineral rights Compare personal property Also called real estate

Note added at 1 day4 hrs (2011-05-27 12:06:55 GMT) Post-grading

Grazie mille a te Francesca. Buon lavoro.
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