Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

off shore wind generator

Japanese translation:


Feb 3, 2002 02:04
23 yrs ago
English term

off shore wind generators

English to Japanese Tech/Engineering Energy / Power Generation energy
I know wind power is "風力" but how would you specify offshore (as in Denmark) vs. land based systems?

Proposed translations

1 hr

kaijoufuuryokuhatsudenki 海上風力発電機

You could translate offshore as "kaijou"

Eg. from the ALC dictionary
海上 →(米軍の【海上】ヘリポートを建設する)
build an offshore U.S. military heliport

or again "offshore base" is 海上基地 at

There are lots of these. If you search for off shore and 海上 at google for example. Please click on the refence.

Note added at 2002-02-03 04:39:05 (GMT)

海上利用 風力発電機 are mentioned here, but they are for on board yatchs.

Aha- here it is. The following page mentions Denmark¥'s off shore wind generators as デンマーク,....海上風力発電システム

Note added at 2002-02-03 07:36:22 (GMT)

Sorry, yes, as Shiho Nakamura write below, this should be ¥"sho¥" not ¥"ki¥" in view of their size.

This translation is common
Peer comment(s):

agree mimichan
2 hrs
I am sure you would have had no difficulty with this. The mails telling us that there are translations are a bit slow these days.
agree Shiho Nakamura : I agree with Timothy. If the text refers to the offshore generating station, it'd be "Kaijou Fu-Ryoku Hatsudensho".
2 hrs
Yes, "sho" may well be better than "ki" depending on the size
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Cheers Takemoto-san! Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm going to go with your suggestion from NEDO's website, $B3$>eIwNOH/EE=j(B Thanks."
6 hrs


It seems that there are other candidates.




Peer comment(s):

agree Timothy Takemoto : Wow. I think that you last alternative is probably better than mine. Perhaps it depends on how big the sea is? As Mr. Nakamura says, I would go for "sho" though, in the case of Denmark.
10 mins
agree Mitsuko
7 hrs
agree Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
57 days
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