Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term
interior rock
This phrase is for tourist information of a certain place. Here, would anyone tell me what "interior rock" means?
5 | 陸側の |
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4 +1 | 内陸部の岩石 |
Toshiaki Nishi
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3 | 内部の岩石 |
Katsunori Higuchi
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3 | 内陸部の(地層) |
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Non-PRO (1): humbird
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Proposed translations
Note added at 5 hrs 36 mins (2005-09-02 19:07:44 GMT)
すでに説明したとおりで、interior rockという表現はこの場合地理学、地学の用語ではありません。
agree |
: Correct. [Interior: "3. Situated away from a coast or border; inland." from] Western Australiaのことを言っていると思います。 :-)
14 hrs
And "ancient interior rock formations" totally means 「内部の古代岩石の形成物」
neutral |
Minoru Kuwahara
: without further context, this is just a guess work, but i agree, it may be just 'inner' (therefore, older) formations of the rock. so alternatively, 内側の... -
3 hrs
Note added at 18 hrs 39 mins (2005-09-03 08:10:43 GMT)
neutral |
: Although this is a perfect example of the contrast between the blue (ocean) and red (landscape), the 'red stuff' in the picture of the first link is unfortunately not rock but earth/sand. (I couldn't access your 2nd link.). :-)
2 hrs
Thanks to KathyT.