Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Polish translation:
klucz sprzętowy
Added to glossary by
wolf4jc (X)
Jun 22, 2003 12:25
21 yrs ago
25 viewers *
English term
English to Polish
Computers (general)
definicja: a device that must be attached to a computer in order for it to use protected software. Rozumiem o co chodzi, ale jak to sie nazywa po polsku?
Proposed translations
4 +4 | klucz sprzętowy | wolf4jc (X) |
Proposed translations
1 min
klucz sprzętowy
(inf.) klucz sprzętowy (klucz stosowany w celu zabezpieczenia programu przed nielegalnym kopiowaniem)
To run the program you need to put dongle into parallel port.
To run the program you need to put dongle into parallel port.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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