Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

swine vesicular disease

Polish translation:

choroba pecherzykowa swin

Added to glossary by Renata Korpak
Feb 11, 2003 22:42
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

swine vesicular disease

English to Polish Other agriculture - pig breeding
z listy chorob na ktore prosiaczki moga zachorowac
Proposed translations (Polish)
5 +2 choroba pęcherzykowa ¶wiń

Proposed translations

18 mins

choroba pęcherzykowa ¶wiń

choroba pęcherzykowa ¶wiń
Peer comment(s):

agree bartek
10 hrs
agree KORNELIA ZWIÓR-HOŁENKO : dobrze byłoby podać źródło, bo to termin specjalistyczny (np.
18 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Dziekuje b. serdecznie!"
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