Mar 21, 2002 17:37
22 yrs ago
English term


Non-PRO English to Portuguese Marketing
The idea of using Kretek is fine. In fact I wanted to patent the name butfound out that this had already been done. In the Brazilian governmentlegislation on cigarettes the category is referred to as Kretek. Kretek canbe either coupled to clove cigarettes or cigarro de cravo. Sampoerna doesnot use the word Kretek on its packs here. If we want to be foreign andexotic we can also call them cigarro de Bali. This is a commonly used byclove cigarette smokers in Brazil. I will forward this E-mail to our team inSao Paulo and see what there comments are.On Splash, do you intend to use it only for Menthol or both for Menthol andregular? Splash is a more manly pack where as menthol in general is morepreferred by women.I do not have a copy of the research I did in Brazil since my computer inIndonesia was stolen last September. Could you please ask someone to E-mailme a copy.We need sample of Promotional materials and Packs from Indonesia and USA andanything else that you think may be useful.Further we need some samples of our products, to check how the latestdevelopments are accepted by the smokers here.Thanks,Best regards,

Proposed translations

57 mins

cigarro com sabor de cravo / cigarro de kretek

Kretek eh uma especiaria oriundo da Indonesia, etc., com gosto semelhante a cravo.

Portanto nao se pode dizer, propriamente, que seja cigarro de cravo, mas, sim, com SABOR de cravo. Ou, tambem, cigarro de kretek que eh correto mas poucos vao saber de que se trata.

Note added at 2002-03-21 19:22:09 (GMT)

Com agradecimentos à Gabriela Frazão:

Peer comment(s):

agree Gabriela Frazao : Em Portugal: cravinho da Índia e, segundo reza a história, foram os portugueses a trazê-lo para estas paragens.
27 mins
Muito obrigado, mesmo, Gabriela!
agree BrazBiz : que por sinal é horrível...
1 hr
Thanks, BrazBiz. Great comment! That's how I feel about cigarettes in general.
agree Eliane Rio Branco
17 hrs
Obrigado, Eliane.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Olá Obrigado, pela sua ajuda. Desejo sucesso e que você conquiste o planejado. Um forte abraço José Roberto da Fonte"
45 mins

cigarro de cravo

O termo já está escrito no seu texto. É um tipo de cigarro que é feito com folhas especiais e cravo da índia.
Peer comment(s):

agree Gisa
1 day 19 hrs
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