Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
interest group
Romanian translation:
grup de interese
English term
interest group
Representing virtually every major area of computing, ACM's Special Interest Groups offer a wealth of conferences, publications, and activities on the local-to-global scale, providing unlimited opportunities for sharing technical expertise and first-hand knowledge of the latest development trends. (Association for Computing Machinery)
PPIG, the Psychology of Programming Interest Group, was established in 1987 in order to bring together people from diverse communities to explore common interests in the psychological aspects of programming and in the computational aspects of psychology. (Psychology of Programming Interest Group)
Welcome to the website of the Mental Health Nursing Interest Group (MHNIG) of Ontario. As an interest group of The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) our purpose is to actively promote partnerships that work towards improving the mental health and well being of individuals, their families, and our communities. (Mental Health Nursing Interest Group)
5 +4 | grup de interese |
Andrei Albu
![]() |
Oct 20, 2008 12:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
Oct 23, 2008 12:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
grup de interese
Producatorii de legume si fructe organizeaza un grup de interese A fost nevoie de aproape 20 de ani si stimulente de sute de mii de euro din fonduri comunitare pentru a-i determina pe detinatorii de sere si solarii din judet sa-si dea mana si sa se sustina reciproc in proiectele comune. (Presa online)
Preşedintele UDMR Marko Bela a declarat, duminică, la Târgu Murş, ca reacţie la declaraţiile preşedintelui Traian Băsescu, că UDMR nu se găseşte în niciun grup de interese economice. Marko Bela a spus că UDMR se regăseşte eventual în grupuri de interese politice, nicidecum economice. (Mediafax)
If you're describing trousers, then it might refer to a belt made out of nautical rope (a nautical-rope belt). |
But the text refers to trousers, and the naval adornment on "Holy Communion" clothes is normally on the jacket. I have never seen any naval adornment on the trousers Helena. |
It might indeed. It does here: |
It's the 'trabillas' that inclines me to think that it refers to a belt. |
Yes, it sounds like it refers to a belt made of nautical-style rope that goes through the 'trabillas' (belt loops). |
Why don't you post your answer Helena, so that I can give you the points if it is nautical rope, please? Everyone seems to agree with your answer, so post it. |
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