Jan 4, 2003 01:54
22 yrs ago
English term

dissect kisses

English to Russian Art/Literary
(another line from a young lady's love letter to an imaginary friend):

i am scared of turning into one who dissects kisses, who will, for a price, undream a dream.

i'm not sure about what 'dissect' means, though i've looked it up in a dictionary and looked through some synonims in the thesaurus.

i'd be grateful if anyone suggested a couple of other examples where this word is used. :)
Proposed translations (Russian)
3 examples of dissection:)

Proposed translations

27 mins

examples of dissection:)

Dear Zmejka,

A little more context would help.
For now, just what I know about dissecting- it's used figuratively when one wants to indicate that something is given a very close attention, an extremely analytical approach that is very annoying when it comes to dissecting kisses:)

To look at something under a magnifying glass, to subject something to a very thorough analysis -

Dissecting a frog - препарировать лягушку для научных экспериментов, например

А иносказательно - подвергать всё чрезмерно пристальному вниманию и излишнему анализу

Don't dissect my every word - may be translated as не придирайся к каждому слову

Don't dissect my behavior - don't analyse too much, don't pick on me, don't read between the lines unenesessarily

Another possible meaning for 'dissecting kisses" may be this:

don't make your/mine kisses too artificial, contrived, calculated

If none of the above fits your context, then I take it all back, with my apologies in advance.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Montefiore, this is just what I needed, thank you!! :))) I'll find a good translation myself, but you gave me an idea of what the word can mean. This kind of help is sometimes way more important than direct translations. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!! "
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