Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

processing line

Russian translation:

линия по переработке

Added to glossary by Oleg Rudavin
Mar 31, 2001 07:36
23 yrs ago
English term

processing line

Non-PRO English to Russian Bus/Financial
it is a lease contract

Proposed translations

1 hr

линия по переработке

It's just another option to технологическая линия, like in fruit processing line - it'll be линия по переработке фруктов.


Native speaker

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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you. Luisa"
12 mins

технологическая линия

processing line: технологическая линия Syn: manufacturing line

Lingvo 6.0

tehnologicheskaya liniya
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1 hr

производственная линия

Also: (2) технологическая линия
Lingvo 2.0 (Polytechnical Dictionary)

Hope it can help you.
Best Regards,
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