Oct 8, 2007 02:49
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

to exchange social amenities

English to Russian Other Business/Commerce (general)


maxomel (asker) Oct 8, 2007:
here is more context: did you or another employee receive or give social amenities that were not customary in a normal business relationship, reasonably related to a clear business purpose, or within the bounds of good taste such as participatory entertainment (golf, hunting trips, sporting events, etc.) valued in excess of USD$200 per person?
koundelev Oct 8, 2007:
"выслушивать и говорить светские любезности" - здесь ключевое слово "светские".
maxomel (asker) Oct 8, 2007:
then how whould I say "to receive or give social amenities" ?

Proposed translations

3 mins

обменяться любезностями

принятыми в обществе

Note added at 12 hrs (2007-10-08 15:16:34 GMT)

значит не вести светскую беседу, а обмениваться любезностями

принимали или оказывали любезности
Note from asker:
here is more context: did you or another employee receive or give social amenities that were not customary in a normal business relationship, reasonably related to a clear business purpose, or within the bounds of good taste such as participatory entertainment (golf, hunting trips, sporting events, etc.) valued in excess of USD$200 per person?
Peer comment(s):

agree erika rubinstein
6 hrs
Thank you, Erika!
agree Tatsiana Rakhavetskaya
6 hrs
Thank you, Leanida!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you, Michael"
25 mins

обменяться вежливостями

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1 hr

вести светскую беседу

exchange social amenities (Что нового? Рад/а вас видеть); - http://mccausland.us/academic/ProfGuidRuss.html
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19 hrs

неформальные встречи - вне работы

The context changes everything. There is no easy way of saying it, except for explaining from the context what it actually is - приглашали ли Вы или были ли когда-либо приглашены на чисто неформальные встречи. Или встречи вне работы.
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