Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Russian translation:

british standard pipe

Added to glossary by Sergei Tumanov
Jun 29, 2004 07:55
20 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term

npt(f), bsp

English to Russian Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering ����� ���������
Air inlet size: 1 / 4 npt(f)
Fluid inlet size: 3 / 4 bsp
Fluid outlet size: 3 / 4 bsp

технические характеристики насоса.
Технари, помогите, пожалуйста, с единицами измерений
Proposed translations (Russian)
3 +3 below
5 вот они

Proposed translations

11 mins


npt - National Pipe Taper (pipe thread specification)

размер в дюймах

Note added at 14 mins (2004-06-29 08:10:08 GMT)

bsp - может быть british standard ...

Note added at 15 mins (2004-06-29 08:11:13 GMT)

but should be Black Steel Pipe \' 100%

Note added at 18 mins (2004-06-29 08:13:32 GMT)

British Standard Pipe (diameter)3/4 дюйма
тоже 100% :0)

Note added at 26 mins (2004-06-29 08:21:54 GMT)

Pipe Size is the accepted industry designation and does not refer to either the inside or the outside diameter (ID or OD) of a pipe or a fitting.

American National Standard Pipe Threads
NPT: National Pipe Taper Thread
A sealant compound or Teflon tape must be used for a leak-free seal.
FPT: female (internal) National Pipe Taper threads
MPT: male (external) National Pipe Taper threads
NPTF: Dryseal American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread
No sealant is needed for a seal.
NPS: American Standard Straight Pipe Thread
Used for mechanical joining -- holding a fitting in place. An O-ring or a metal seal is required.
NPSF: Dryseal American National Standard Straight Pipe Thread

British Standard Pipe Thread
BSPT: British Standard Pipe Taper threads
BSPP: British Standard Pipe Parallel (straight) threads

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Note added at 11 hrs 29 mins (2004-06-29 19:24:52 GMT)

кстати маленькое уточнение - резьба трубная КОНИЧЕСКАЯ

Note added at 11 hrs 30 mins (2004-06-29 19:26:19 GMT)

в отличие от straight + потому и уплотнение идет без дополнительных прокладок для NPT(f)
Peer comment(s):

agree Lyudmila Rusina
8 mins
thank you
agree 2rush
53 mins
thank you
agree Ol_Besh
56 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Спасибо!"
12 mins

вот они

Размер входного воздушного патрубка = 1/4" npt(f) в футах - npt = нормальной американской трубной резьбы;
bsp = баррелей на кв. фут

Note added at 2004-06-29 08:13:11 (GMT) [[utf-8]]

Пардон bsp - размер трубы насоса.

Note added at 2004-06-29 08:17:03 (GMT) [[utf-8]]

BSP - это типоразмер резьбы или соединений у насоса по стандарту ISO. Оставляйте без перевода.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Sergei Tumanov : но ведь size не в баррелях на кв.фут?
7 mins
Все правильно, спасибо.
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