Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
emergency draught
Russian translation:
аварийная осадка
English term
emergency draught
All Input data and calculations are based on the following documents:
B93-25.901-003 Information on Emergency Draught and Stability of m/v “Akademik Nemchinov”
B93-25.901-002 Information of Stability of the m/v “Akademik Nemchinov”
B93-DZ / 0120-1 Lines Plan
B93-DZ / 7,8,9 Tank Plan
D001 Capacity Plan
D21 General Arrangement
3 | аварийная осодка |
Vaddy Peters
![]() |
Sep 19, 2011 17:34: Vaddy Peters Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
аварийная осодка
Аварийная осадка - расстояние от поверхности воды до нижней точки корпуса ..
Note added at 16 mins (2011-09-15 13:36:03 GMT)
typo: осадка
аварийная остановка -, emergency shutdown, emergency stop. авария судна -, shipwreck ... средняя осадка судна -, mean draught.
(последняя ссылка особенно хороша)