Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Mixed crop or livestock farm helper

Spanish translation:

ayudante para granja, cultivos mixtos o cría de ganado

Added to glossary by arusso
Dec 26, 2006 22:50
18 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term

Mixed crop or livestock farm helper

English to Spanish Social Sciences Agriculture
on a list of occupations:

Crop farm helper, crop farm manager, Mixed crop grower
no estoy segura de la equivalencia en castellano.. ¿Hay algún especialista por ahí?

Proposed translations

5 mins

ayudante para granja, cultivos mixtos o cría de ganado

mixed crop son cultivos mixtos, livestock se refiere a ganado que puede ser bovino, ovino, porcino, etc
Peer comment(s):

agree Silvia Brandon-Pérez
24 mins
Gracias Silvia
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias!"
52 mins

peón de finca de sistema de producción agrícola-ganadera integrado

Another suggestion.
Best Regards,

Note added at 53 minutos (2006-12-26 23:44:19 GMT)

Mixed farming systems can be classified in many ways - based on land size, type of crops and animals, geographical distribution, market orientation, etc. Three major categories, in four different modes of farming, are distinguished here. The categories are:
* On-farm versus between-farm mixing (Box 4)
* Mixing within crops and/or animal systems (Box 5)
* Diversified versus integrated systems
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