Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

anticipate excellence

Spanish translation:

prepárate para un encuentro con la excelencia

Added to glossary by Bubo Coroman (X)
Jul 24, 2007 18:19
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

anticipate excellence

English to Spanish Art/Literary Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
It is an item in a list.
Change log

Jul 24, 2007 18:56: Monika Jakacka Márquez changed "Term asked" from "Anticipate excellence." to "anticipate excellence"

Jul 26, 2007 05:44: Bubo Coroman (X) Created KOG entry


Salloz Jul 24, 2007:
Coincido con Anne, Nuno. Es más fácil ayudar si das más contexto.
Anne Smith Campbell Jul 24, 2007:
A list of what? It would be much better if there were more context in these questions, so as to be able to receive accurate or in any case appropiate answers.

Proposed translations

1 hr
English term (edited): anticipate excellence.

prepárate para un encuentro con la excelencia

es decir, prepárate para ver la excelencia (y nada menos) en los resultados del trabajo de tus compañeros ... etc. Es una forma de pensamiento positivo.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
17 mins
English term (edited): anticipate excellence.

prevé / espera / cuenta con (la) excelencia

A ver si cabe en tu contexto.
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22 mins
English term (edited): anticipate excellence.

anticipe/pronostique excelencia

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