Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

varied timetable

Spanish translation:

horario variado/flexible

Added to glossary by Mónica Algazi
Feb 25, 2011 12:38
14 yrs ago
12 viewers *
English term

varied timetable

English to Spanish Art/Literary Education / Pedagogy
Mil gracias
It has a more varied timetable than the GCSE course and does not lead to external examinations, but only school examinations at the end of each term.
Este curso tiene un horario más diverso que el curso de GCSE y no contempla rendir evaluaciones externas, sólo exámenes en la escuela al final de cada trimestre.
Proposed translations (Spanish)
3 +3 horario (más) variado/flexible
Change log

Feb 27, 2011 14:17: Mónica Algazi Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

9 mins

horario (más) variado/flexible

My two cents.
Peer comment(s):

agree liz askew : the former, IMHO
2 hrs
Thank you, Liz.
agree EirTranslations
4 hrs
Gracias, Beatriz.
agree Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
8 hrs
Gracias, Beatriz.
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