Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

AMP barrel terminals

Spanish translation:

terminales de barrilete/caña AMP

Added to glossary by Jesús Calzado
Nov 17, 2004 11:35
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

AMP barrel terminals

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng Junction box

1. Cut wire at desirable length
2. Slide on crimp ferrule – note orientation
3. Strip outer jacket, stripping length: 80mm
4. Fold back braiding over cable, see fi g. 2
5. Cut braiding to length 15mm
6. Cut fi llers and fl eece
7. Cut coax conductors 1 – 9 with a 25mm interval
8. Strip coax conductors length 10mm – twist shield tight
9. Cut coax shielding to 7mm
10. Connect all coax cables (both signal conductors and shielding) to the ***AMP barrel terminals*** by using the small stuffer cabs
11. Cut the two thin wires to fi t their position and connect to the ***AMP barrel terminals*** by using the small stuffer cabs
12. Cut the two heavy wires to fi t their position and connect to the ***AMP barrel terminals*** by using the large
stuffer cabs

¿Alguna sugerencia? Gracias
Proposed translations (Spanish)
4 +3 terminales de barrilete AMP

Proposed translations

35 mins

terminales de barrilete AMP

AMP es una marca

Brand: [ AMP ]
RoHS/ELV Compliance: RoHS compliant | ELV compliant | Non-compliant | Not reviewed for compliance
Product Type: AMP-BARREL Terminals | Wire Stuffer Cap
Wire Range (mm [AWG]): Multi-select capable

Peer comment(s):

agree Stuart Allsop
19 mins
Gracias Stuart
agree Fuseila : en vez de barrilete diría barril si es para España
33 mins
Gracias Fuseila. De acuerdo, de ser para España puede ser 'barril'
agree Ernesto de Lara : o simplemente barril en mx.
5 hrs
Gracias Ernesto. Estoy de acuerdo, también puede ser 'barril'
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Según "International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online database": barrel (of terminal lug, of connector, .) = caña (de un terminal, de un conector,...) "
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