Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

tachometer shaft /tachometer extension shaft

Spanish translation:

ejes de extensíon del tacómetro

Added to glossary by kawaluana
Sep 21, 2013 17:58
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

tachometer shaft /tachometer extension shaft

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Engineering: Industrial centrífuga
I´m traslating the manual of a centrifuge and need help translating "tachometer shaft"/"tachometer extesionn shaft".

Is it "eje del tacómetro"? And when it says "tachometer extension shaft" is it "eje de extensión del tacómetro"?


(...) Optional tachometer shafts are inserted in a spline keyed to the cilinder and rotate in bearing".

(...) In tachometer extesion shafts, provide rigid mounting for tachs".

any suggestions? Thank you.

Proposed translations

19 hrs

ejes de extensíon del tacómetro

The ST states:
(...) In ***tachometer extension shafts***, provide rigid mounting for tachs".

These are EXTENSION SHAFTS, in plural, they are types of SHAFT and not types of EXTENSION.

Barrena para tierra - proasa‎
Translate this page
dispone de un tacómetro, se debe ajustar el tornillo de velocidad en vacío (A) para fijar las .... 12" Ejes de extensión - Diámetro de 7/8”. Hojas de repuesto de la ...

And in English they are also referred to as:

Extension shaft for tachometers - Cole-Parmer

Buy / View: Extension shaft for tachometers from Cole Parmer. , brand: Cole-Parmer, General Accessories > General Accessories.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Sí, muchas gracias!"
41 mins

extensión del eje del tacómetro

Solo di vuelta la frase un poco para darle sentido mecánico.
Peer comment(s):

agree psicutrinius
38 mins
neutral Neil Ashby : But wouldn't a "extensión del eje del tacómetro" be a "tachometer shaft extension", as opposed to the ST's "tachometer extension shaft" ?
19 hrs
agree Phoenix III
20 hrs
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